USP45 or SIG220? Tough choice...


Hi all,

First of all, thanks to the guys who posted advice in response to my "Time on the Range" thread last week. I read 'em all carefully. I did post a message the other nite thanking those who responded, and also asking a couple of basic questions re: ffl & purchasing. Somebody whacked the message. I know it was posted, since I logged back in, reloaded the page & checked it. Go figure
Well, after a sleepless week of agonizing, I've pretty much narrowed it down to the USP45 and the SIG P220, standard size. It was tough as hell, as there are a _lot_ of fine weapons out there. I decided on .45, because, as they say, there's no replacement for displacement. 10mm was tempting (If the Delta was still in production, my choice would be even tougher...), but I suspect the power of that load might eventually result in durability issues. I like the fact that .45acp combines proven stopping power with an intrinsically low-pressure load, if what I've read is true. Please bear in mind that I'm a novice, and I'm only "book smart" at this stage. I'm open to friendly correction/flaming by the many here wiser than myself. 90% of what I've learned has been from sifting through the thosands of messages in this forum for the last few weeks. The rest is from the mfgs (& enthusiast's) web sites.
I really considered the 1911's(Colts, Kimbers, et al). They appeal most to my nature, but the versatility of of DA/SA w/ a decocker & firing pin safety is gonna be better for a greenhorn like myself. While I can't carry this gun (New Jersey), it will be close to me at night. I'm fairly convinced that a chambered round with a de-cocked hammer resting on a firing pin safety( or whatever device prevents the hammer from contacting the firing pin...), but which could be still be fired by simply pulling the trigger (lame description, I know, but you get the picture...) is the best compromise for me between safety and "readiness". I know a lot of you all will disagree. Hell, I may disagree in a year, but for now my heels are kinda' dug in. I do, however, feel that there is no substitute for the feel, accuracy & "readiness" of a SA. I'm pretty sure that with all other variables equal, an expert marksman will group better with a single action. That's important to me, since this is going to be a range gun/plinker foremost. I know the first "DA pull" on these DA/SA's is probably sleepy, but the rest of the mag in SA is pretty sweet. Lack of an SA mode is what disqualified the Glocks, also fine weapons. Which leads me to my leaning toward the HK over the SIG. Unless I read wrong, variants 1 & 2 allow the weapon to be carried "cocked & locked" . I can't find any other DA 45 auto with this feature. (who knows? I may get out of NJ some day...) In all honesty, this is the gun I would have designed. I suspect, though, that the fit/finish/ quality may be a tad better on the SIG(rust problems aside). The CZ 97, which I also seriously considered, might have a similar feature? But opinions universally paint it humongous. My hand is average.
I don't mean to offend anyone's brand loyalty here at all. Understand that I'm nitpicking through what I consider the best of the best (within my budget < $700 give or take), and I'd probably be happy with any of these guns. I only elaborate on this stuff for the benefit of the many others going through the same decision.
What I'm really hoping now is to hear from individuals here who are fortunate enough to have a _lot_ of real-world experience or ownership with both of these amazing guns (HK USP45 & SIG P220). If you could have only one, which would it be & why? Again, I sure appreciate the feedback. With any luck, I'll have one or the other within the week.
My decision boiled down to the trigger. The grip on the HK is a bit larger and I could not properly pull the trigger in DA mode. Bought the Sig P220. Also, I load my own ammunition, the Sig is reloader friendly. The HK is not! As for accuracy and reliability, both guns are the same, great pistols.

Before I bought my Glock 30, I tried the P220 and the USP 45. I preferred the P220 because I thought it handled recoil a little better, though the USP is also a fine gun. (I have a USP9.) The USP V1 or V2 gives you the option to use it cocked and locked; the Sig, as you know, is DA/SA only. The USP also gives you a larger magazine, 10 rounds vs. 7. though I think there are some 8 round mags for the Sig.

Depending on what you mean by "close to me at night," you may be putting too much emphasis on DA/SA vs. SA. For example, if it is a bedside gun, you will probably have time to manually cock the gun when you need it. In this case, the DA/SA becomes SA. If it is going to be a carry gun, the cocked and locked capability of the HK is an advantage. Of course, if you are not opposed to 9mm, there is the HK P7 squeeze cocker.

If you haven't already, try them both. Pick the one that you shoot better. Neither would be a bad choice.
I really liked the HK .45, good gun. Go with the gun that fit your hand best and the one that you shot the best. Your in a great position right now, you can't go wrong with either of those pistols!
4T... I don't want to complicate matters, but please check the EAA Witness .45. Until few days ago, I had the impression that these pistols were not quality products. That changed after a visit to my local gun shop. The pistol I inspected was a full size .45 with the "wonder finish". The finish was great with no machine marks or any blemish. Machining was very very good outside and inside the pistol. The feeding ramp was polished from the factory and barrel/slide/frame fit was tight. Trigger pull was very smooth and even. I was impressed by the S/A pull nice and crisp. The pistol pointed very naturally and felt great in the hand. Better than the USP and I personally prefered it over the SIG 220. Magazines are made by Mec-Gar and hold 10 rds. Best part, the pistol feels better than the CZ-97. This Witness model is not a huge pistol. They had a sub-compact version (ported) that was a real beauty. Price: $340.00!!! with lifetime warranty. I own a USP 45 as well as a SIG 220, among others. I would consider this option. Tanfoglio, the italian manufacturer of EAA Witness is now
ISO 9001 certified. I guess it shows now! And remember a Tanfoglio pistol won the last IPSC open class competition in the Phillipines.
HK or SIG? In the Mesa, Scottsdale, Pheonix area shops I have been in lately, the HK USP Tactical is the hands down winner for the "Most Outrageously Overpriced Pistol" award. The HK Tactical, with soft case, cleaning kit and one extra magazine was going for 875$. In this same shop I bought a two-tone SIG P245, with hard case and two extra magazines, but no cleaning kit, for 629$. How HK can get away with selling a cleaning kit for 250$ is a trick I'd like to learn. ;) The standard USP goes for about 650$, also with no cleaning kit I believe.
One thing that has not been mentioned is Customer Service. SIG has an excellent customer service reputation. HK on the other hand has a reputation for slow service, and rude customer service representitives. Before you make up your mind one way or the other, I suggest you talk to your local PD, the SWAT guys in particular, about their experiences with the two firms you are looking at. I talked with SWAT Team members from Mesa and Gilbert, and both departments have had similar experiences as related above. Both are great firearms, just know what You want before buying.
I already have several SIGs, a P220, P226 and P228. I bought the P220 in October, but I've had the P226 for about four years now. I am thinking about buying a USP, maybe even that over-priced USP Tactical, in the next six months. Either pistol is a fine choice.

May your lead always hit center mass and your brass always land in your range bag.

Thanx for the feedback, guys. Did get chance to shoot the HK, the SIG, & a Kimber Custom side by side. Just got really lucky, I guess. The Kimber fits my hand the best, the SIG second best, & the HK felt a bit large. This was before I actually got to shooting. The narrow grip on the kimber transmitted a fair amount of recoil to a small area of my (not too large)hand. The SIG, of course, felt & shot sweet. Surprisingly, the HK ceased to feel big while shooting, spread out the recoil force over a bigger part of my hand, and, was the gun I was most accurate with from the git-go. Fit & finish a bit better on the SIG, but I like the control layout (Decocker/Safety) on the HK. I can learn to like the the mag release... The extra capacity doesn't hurt either. Last but not least, I've found an HK45 in reportedly 95%+ condition with night sights & three mags for $550.00. I'm told that's not a bad deal...
Sgt Rod, I read some about the Witness, sounded like a good gun for the money, unfortunately no way to hold let alone shoot one around here. For some reason, EAA, CZ, & .45 Beretta's aren't in stock at the shops within reach.