usp tactical?


New member
leaning towards a usp45 purchase sometime after the holidays. haven't seen the tactical version. is it the same size/layout? how does the trigger compare? what are the differences? HK's website isn't as descriptive as I'd like in this regard. Thanks.
The USP Tactical is the exact same size as a full size USP. It has a match trigger (much needed on ALL of the USP line IMO), O-ring barrel (to supposedly increase accuracy) and adjustable sights with a tall front sight so that you can still get a sight picture with a suppressor screwed on. This being said, the only thing it really has going for it is the match trigger. O-ring is nice and all, but I cannot really tell a difference between my two USPs. (I own bothe the tactical and standard .45 cal full size models) Threaded barrel is waaaaayyy cool IF you got something to put on there. ;) Later.
I'd like to jump in with a related question: are there any tritium sights available for the Tactical which don't require significant modification? I've been eyeing (O.K., ogling) this pistol for a while, but it seems that something called "tactical" should have night sights. I'm primarily interested in it for a range/HD gun, and would like to keep the adjustable sights, but would like to have tritium inserts. I suppose that if I had to choose, I'd take fixed tritium sights over the stock adjustables, as long as I could keep the higher sight axis (what's the point of having a threaded barrel if you can't aim it with the suppressor mounted?). Any thoughts? Thanks.

If you get a can through AWC or Knights Armament, they could install Tritium sights on the can itself I believe.

I installed a set of Meprolight adjustables on mine. They are excellent. Cost is $150 retail, if you get the discount at Brownells or Midway, you can get them for $101.

Since you said you plan to use it for HD, take some friendly advice: either remove the trigger stop screw or screw it all the way in and check it often. Ironically, trigger stops are about the least tactical thing one could do to a handgun. When I first got mine I was playing with it at the range, and the way I had it adjusted, there were a couple of times when the trigger couldn't even be pulled back far enough to drop the hammer. This was with some very slight adjustments. Stops are fine at the range, but a great liability on a "working" gun.

Get used to that trigger, too. It has the lightest trigger of all the pistols I own, and, since I don't shoot it as often as my Glocks and Sigs, I find that 1 or 2 rounds out of every mag, the trigger breaks before I expect it to. Again, no problem at the range, but NOT GOOD for defense. It's pretty damn scary when a gun goes off before you expect it to, even when your finger's on the trigger and it's pointed downrange.

"Get used to that trigger, too. It has the lightest trigger of all the pistols I own..."

I consider that an advantage. I love my Tactical.
Projim...methinks ya might need some trainin'

You said:

>Get used to that trigger, too. It has the lightest trigger >of all the pistols I own, and, since I don't shoot it as >often as my Glocks and Sigs, I find that 1 or 2 rounds out >of every mag, the trigger breaks before I expect it to. >Again, no problem at the range, but NOT GOOD for defense. >It's pretty damn scary when a gun goes off before you >expect it to, even when your finger's on the trigger and >it's pointed downrange.

Could be just me, but I was taught to have my finger OFF the trigger and OUT of the trigger guard until my sights are on the target AND I've decided to shoot. I sure hope I'm not shooting at the range near you when you get "surprised" by your trigger again....


The Tactical is an good durable pistol that is very accurate.
With the UTL light and the Flash Supressor from Larry at it is a sweet shooter, and with the 2 attatchments the recoil is along the lines of a 9mm.
The Tactical is almost as accurate as it big brother,
the MK23 SOCOM.
If you have big paws I'd reccomend the MK23...
and yes, it is worth the extra grand...

slojim, actually you need to test out the glocks and the
sigs along with the hk tactical to find out what really
suits you....
I personally think these are the best 3 pistols going
for the 21st century...
I chose HK
Thanks all. DAKODAKID, I've tried a glock, and I've been trying to get my hands on a sig, but the one guy I know with one (226)is being 'funny' about it. That's ok, it's his gun, but I hate to plunk that kind of money down based on testimonial, and I was leaning toward .45 anyway. I was under the impression the 220 was their only 45, and that it was not quite as well made as the rest of their line. Tell me if I'm wrong. (I'm sure someone will!)
slojim, Sig has 2 .45s in their lineup. The legendary fullsize P220 and its chopped down little brother the Psomethinortheother :D (245?)

I was under the impression the 220 was their only 45, and that it was not quite as well made as the rest of their line. Tell me if I'm wrong.

The 220 is one of the finest handguns ever made and is as well made as any other Sig, maybe better seeing as how its a 45 and all ;)
HK Tactical

I picked up a new Tact last week. It is everything you've heard it was and more! Trigger to light? nahh. Actually its a matter of perspective... a couple of weeks ago I had my 'smith adjust my favorite 1911 trigger- bumped it up to 2.75lbs from 1.75lbs.

The HK Tact is one fine weapon, get the UTL2 light, flash suppressor and thread protector and you have one of the best defensive weapons available to us mere civilians. Kinda the best of both worlds for us .45 lovers... DA/SA and cocked and locked capabilities!
While I am having difficulty selecting a new full-size firearm (this damn idea of just buying one is killing me!!), one think I have noted is this is the one gun I have not heard one complaint about, and every comment is a rave.