USP Compact .40 break in


New member
A friend of mine picked up a USP Compact stainless .40 today. I was quite suprised to hear it feed jammed 2 out of 10 Corbons. I always put a few hundred rounds through my autos before I trust them but he (and I) expected flawless performance out of a $670 gun. I fully expect it to clear up with some more shooting but I`m curious what kind of luck other have had with them. Marcus
I've got a USPc with a stainless slide. It fired right out of the box and has not failed once in about 500 rounds.

Have your friend try different ammo and see if that makes a difference. Some animals just like different feed.
Marcus, factory HK magazine?

There should be no break-in on the USP pistols. I have 2 USP's and now have about 6000 rounds through the Compact without a single failure.

Both of mine are 9mm so there may be a difference in the shape of the .40 ammunition that I am unaware of. Check your magazines, make sure the gun is properly cleaned and lubed and try again.

If you stiull have problems you might consider visiting an HK armorer. These pistol should be flawless in performance.


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What kind of feed failure did you friend have?
Assuming your friend tried different ammo and also tried the second magazine provided, your friend may new to the world of polymer framed pistols.
In my experience, limited, these pistols flex more on firing than steel or alloy frames. This flexing absorbs some energy that is used to cycle the pistol and you need a slightly more firm grip. Your friend may just be limp wristing a bit, just enough to cause a failure.
Both jams were within a 10 rounds from a single magazine. He just got it so it`s only had 2 kinds of ammo throught it. 165gr. Corbons and 180gr. PMC hardball. 45 rounds total. I know that`s certainly no indication of reliability but still I expected it to be flawless. I don`t know what kind of feed jams they were,I wasn`t there. I taught him to shoot in a very firm weaver and he`s used to shooting a .357mag. snubbie so I doubt limp wristing was the problem. I can`t help but think it`s ironic that it cost almost exactly twice as much as my P-97 that`s never had a single jam with factory ammo. Marcus
Did he break the gun down and clean and lube it before he shot it? A USP should be reliable right out of the box without having to do that, but it's always a good idea.

My USP40C has 1500 rounds through it with zero failure to feed problems.
My diagnosis (sight unseen), is bad ammo. Those who know me know my opinion of CorBon... With quality ammo you should never have a problem with an H&K.

USPs don't need a break-in. First time I ever shot one of mine was in an IDPA match - I didn't even bring another gun, such was my confidence. Well placed, that.

David - I doubt the problem is limp-wristing, as I've tried shooting USPs like a sissy little girl (shaddup, Adam/Coin/Rob ;)) and couldn't induce a malfunction, even holding the gun at weird angles, upside down, etc. My experience is mostly with the full size, though.

Let us know what you find.
If its not the ammo, perhaps the mag spring doesn't have enough "push" on the follower. It might be getting caught up somewhere inside.

"Started out with nothing, still got most of it."
I suppose it could be bad ammo but I doubt it. The ammo "sounded right", "recoiled right" and and even the ones that jammed hit soda cans at 25yds. I think it`s just a matter of putting some more ammo throught it. Marcus