USP .45 vs. G21


New member
I'm looking to get a new .45 pistol. I was wondering which of the two mentioned would be a better choice. Please take into account durability, accuracy, recoil, and velocity.

I had the same decision to make a year ago.
I got the Glock G-21, and I'm not sorry.
It's less money, easier to take apart for cleaning, many more available accessories/upgrades/parts, accessories are less expensive, it's as accurate as I can shoot, its never failed to fire or jammed, recoil is fine, I'm not sure about velocity, but I doubt there is much difference between the two, as far as durability, time will tell, but I bet it will last my lifetime if I take care of it, etc, etc, etc...
I put a Insight Technologies M-3 tatical light on it and bought an extra mag, and thats it.

[This message has been edited by mhannah1 (edited January 03, 2000).]
I own a G21 and I have also shot the HK USP .45. I would choose the GLOCK over the HK for several reasons. First, I love the simplicity of the GLOCK mechanism. I have shot hundreds of rounds through my GLOCK and have experienced ZERO malfunctions. To date, it is the most accurate combat pistol that I have ever shot. The GLOCK is also priced well below that of the HK .45. I paid $517 out the door, while a friend purchased his HK .45 for $689! Keep in mind that we live in Southern California, so your prices might vary.

The HK .45 that I shot was a very nice piece. I did not like the sights all too much (although they can easily be changed). The magazine release was a bit strange, I had to use my index finger to release the magazine. It was very accurate, slender gripped and very durable. I did not like the pistol's double action, felt "mushy".

Try both of them out, then go with the one that best fits you. Like I said, they are both extremely well built guns. You will not go wrong picking either one. I hope my insight well help you in your decision. Good luck!
I would venture to say, get the Glock 30. They are excellent pistols and 10 round magazines are less than $20.00 each.
I happen to have a G21. It's a very good pistol and mine shoots extremely well (better than any Glock has a right to). The only things about the G21 that I don't care for are the truly horrid sights and the size of the gun. It's big, no two ways about it. Novak sights were on mine within a month of purchase. Vile things, the Glock sights...

I do have a USP, the USP40. The USP wasn't available when I bought my Glock, or I probably would have picked it over the Glock. I bought my .40 well before the .45 appeared, or I'd have both the G21 and the USP45.

Either way, I don't think you'll go wrong. What you pick will most likely come down to personal preference of operating system. The guns themselves are very similar in durability and reliablility. I think the USP is a slightly better gun from the box, but it's a point so minor (sights) that I don't think it's of much significance.
Both are fin pistols, one providing the option of DA/SA or even cocked and locked (depending on the variant) while the other has a consistent pull. The H&K USP Compact feels better in my hand than the Glock 30 and the H&K full size has a much better feel for me than the Glock 21. If I'm not mistaken you can get Mec-Gar mags for the H&K for about $25 so mag prices shouldn't affect your decision, go with what works best. A corollary issue is that of customer service. Unless you're LEO H&K is legendary for it's terrible service while Glock is famous for excellent treatment of customers. I know you didn't ask, but have you thought about the SIG Sauer P220?

So many pistols, so little money.
2.Triger always the same (but very good).
3.Upgradable (with $$$$)
4.Faster customer service when they break (three out of my four have).
6.Everyone has one.

1.VERY Reliable.
2.Great DA trigger / OUTSTANDING SA trigger.
3.Already upgraded.
4.Costs about $150 more (but you dont have to upgrade).
5.Slow customer service (when I had a right hand control lever switched to left hand for my girlfriend took 3 weeks) but have'nt had one break yet, even with more rounds thru them than my Glocks.
6.More elete/not many people own them.

Disassembly is identical accept you need to use two fingers on the Glock to pull down on the catch where as with the HK you just push with one finger.

Of the four Glocks I've owned I had less than a dozen malfunctions that I can remember, of the five HK's I've never had a malfunction. I shoot about 500 rounds per week.

The mag release can be worked with one finger (left or right which is a +) and I feel is more posative on the HK.

Both gun's work, but I've found I prefer the out of box reliability and quality of the H&K. Bottom line-find a range that rent's and try them both, pick the one you shoot best.
On a personal note I belive the HK USP 45 Expert to be the finest semi auto ever made (2" groups @ 50 yards w/Cor-Bon 165gr/1300fps) and that's right from the factory.

[This message has been edited by HKMark23 (edited January 04, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by HKMark23 (edited January 04, 2000).]
Glock 21 all the way. Its what I carry at work. Like a previous poster said, its simple. No levers, buttons, or widgets to work with, outside of the mag release. Just point and shoot. Never a problem with factory stuff, just with some bad reloads. My cousin carries a USP45 at work. Its not a bad gun, I wouldnt mind having one. However, mags cost a bit more. Also, felt recoil on the USP is more than on the G21, in my opinion. Its manageable, but the 21 comes in first in my book anyways. I also like the feel of the G21 in my hand better than the USPs.