USMC to Invade Kalifornia?

I've heard that in March of this year, Gen. Krulak plans to give the Corps training in urban combat by invading Kalifornia: Specifically, the target is the City State of San Francisco.

I'm sorry to say it fellow Sons of Liberty, but wishfully, I hope some form of martial law is imposed (as part of the exercise) on that stronghold of leftist thinking. Maybe then they'll come around and appreciate why the Second Amendment was included in the Bill of Rights.

I'm just hoping this exercise (if it is indeed really planned) is going to be an eyeopener for those liberals who still naively cling to the notion of a benevolent government serving to protect us while we hide beneath our bedsheets.

To you Marines and Former Marines - I'm neither anti Corps nor anti-military. Like some of you out there in cyberland, I've got my autographed photo of Carlos Hathcock prominently displayed (along with a print signed by Joe Foss showing his F4 blasting a Zero out of the sky above Guadacanal).

Vigilantibus et not dormientibus jura subveriunt
They already did that last year.

Also in attendance were the SEALs and Rangers.

Are they going to do it again?

I'd like to watch this time......
They won't learn...just get the taste. Was checking out posts by and ran into a thread about rapists. Seems some people (rape victims, no less!) now have tender feeling for the perps. Stockholm syndrom at its worst...which, btw, might explain the whole phenomenon of CA, NJ, NY, etc.
Gary, I wasn't kidding, they did that last year in San Francisco. I know you had to of heard about it.
P.S. Do you patrol Novato?

I'm not in Novato. Because of the high number of cops living in that city, I've joked about opening a bar in that town (I know nothing of barkeeping. But that's not where the real money is - it'll be in the alcohol rehab center I'd open on the other side of town (and I know even less about counseling for drinking).

Good news, the Marines aren't invading SF. They're gonna practice they're amphibian landing at the Navel Postgraduate school in monterey. I read it in the Merc. in the living section there is a story about a couple who is getting married at the Naval Postgrad school the same weekend, March 13, and the Marines are trying to get them to change the wedding, so that they can take over the school. But the couple won't reschedule cuz the invitaions have already been set. the the columnist sugeests that the bride and groom prepared for an extra 6,000 guests
