using the short starter ?


New member
I have read where some guys use a small mallet to hit the short starter to get the ball and patch started. Isn't this a little excessively tight ? Also if you need a mallet to start then how hard is it going to be to seat the ball on the powder with a ramrod ?
As long as the muzzle doesn't have to sharp a crown a short starter isn't needed with a properly patched ball. No mallet for sure! At our club matches only two guys use short starters and although they are good company they rarely win. The top shooters start their ball by hand and can seat the ball with the wood ram rod. I started with a TC 50 caliber and used a short starter. But I watched what the winners were doing and asked them what they did. We didn't have internet back then so that was the only way and it worked out. Last Sunday I won the top prize at a meat shoot with a score of 212 with 2 Xs off hand. Possible score was 250 and we had a couple of people there that are hard to beat, dum luck helps!??????
I've been shooting black powder muzzle loaders for almost fifty years. I do use a short starter and it doesn't hurt anything. What the short starter does is force the ball into the rifling and engages the rifling into the ball/bullet. Once it's started, and the rifling is engaged, the ball/bullet will pretty easily move down the barrel at that point. Beating on the ball/bullet can, and will, cause the ball/bullet to be deformed to some extent and may effect accuracy. You should never need a mallet to start the bullet. If you're using a mallet your patch is too thick, the ball is oversized, or both.
Not an issue for some

I have read where some guys use a small mallet to hit the short starter to get the ball and patch started. Isn't this a little excessively tight ?
This is just a technique that some competition shooters use and no, by their measure, not excessive. Personally I don't have a need to do so and they have no problem in getting the proper seat. Some conicals are hard to start but once you get the rifling cut in, go in fairly smooth. ..... ;)

You need to develop your own technique and have some good old fun, shooting. The only time I question one's shooting technique or shot-string, is when there are safety issues. ...... :rolleyes:

Have fun and;
Be Safe !!!
Only time I have a need for a short starter is when I'm repetitive shooting for fun & giggles. "Off my son's backyard deck on a Saturday afternoon."

Hunting I having a clean barrel to start with there is no need for my needing that little helper stick with a nub. Just the use of the rifles ram rod is all I require.

After a days hunt. I co-2 my patched ball out every evening. Run a quick dry patch down to clean out the charcoal dust and I'm good to go the following morning. i.e. Loading a (non-fired clean barrel again)
My rifle likes a dirty barrel. The first shot out of a clean barrel is always off a little from the rest. No it wouldn't group tighter if I swabbed after every shot. I always fire a blank charge before I go hunting. If I don't get a shot I leave it loaded if I'm going back within the next day or two. If it's going to be a week I might clean it.