Using electronic muffs while wearing foam plugs?


New member
I've tried it with various electronic muffs but still without success. The muffs don't seem to amplify ambient sounds enough to be practical. My current muffs are Howard Leight Impact Sport muffs.

This is for field use. For range use I use ordinary non-electric muffs with foam plugs.

I'd like to wear foam plugs with electronic muffs and be able to hear leaves rustling, etc.

The plugs are going to block far more sound than the muffs can amplify. Maybe get some plugs with a lower db rating, or the noise limiting ones like they use at concerts.

Just curious, why dont you feel the electronic muffs are enough? What are you shooting? I like plugs and muffs for rifle use. But muffs or plugs alone should make them hearing safe.
For field use? As in hunting? Pick the plugs or muffs you like the best ad go at it. When I am bird hunting, I wear electronic muffs so I can hear any commands to the dogs from the handler
plugs and muffs

I've done it for years in matches or on formal firing lines. Double hearing protection, but ample enough amplification to hear range commands. Occasionally I'd have a wee bit of trouble hearing commands, but not often.

Never tried it afield and suspect that with doubled up protection it would be difficult to hear subtle rustling noises. I also think that anything less than good ears to start with would only compound the problem.