Using a tragedy to once again call for more gun control

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New member
Two Miami-Dade officers were killed today and of course the call has started for more gun control.

Rep. Alcee L. Hastings (D-FL), a federal legislator, decried the lax firearms laws on the state level and says that more firearms control laws are needed.


"My thoughts and prayers are with all those affected by the tragic and senseless deaths of two Miami-Dade officers this morning," he said. "I have been deeply concerned about Florida's relaxed gun control laws and now more than ever it is clear that stronger gun control measures are needed."

I am tired of politicians and anti-firearms special interests clawing their way to the top of the nearest pile of corpses to espouse the abrogation of our rights. The Constitution means nothing to the likes of Rep. Hastings and exists as a mere speed bump to his, and other's, agendas.

Two sworn officers died and have left children orphaned and the best this politician can come up with is to rush to the nearest microphone and spew pap.

Sickening; but eventually they will get their way. Our rights mean nothing to those whose agenda trumps everything including the Supreme Law of the Land.
The emotional argument is the only one they have

And they trot it out anytime there is a killing. The officer's deaths were indeed tragic, but not in the least bit senseless. They died in the line of duty, serving a homicide warrant. Going to arrest a murderer is not a safe thing. There is nothing riskier that trying to bring in a killer. Its not senseless, it's their duty, and they know the risks. What makes them worthy of respect and honor is the fact that despite the risks, they do their duty anyway.

The politician(s) spouting pap is what they do. TO me, the statement about how the deaths were "senseless" simply shows how that politician is spouting stock phrases rather than actually thinking about what he is saying. I'm sure he would use the same phrase about a train wreck or a drunk driver accident, except for those he would call for some other pet piece of legislation, rather than gun control.

Yes, it is aggravating and frustrating every time a politician or pundit uses the bodies of the fallen to advance their agenda, rather than giving honest and sincere respect to the victims families. But such is the nature of some people, and I don't see anything that can be done about it, other than elect different people of better character. Are you going somewhere with this one, Jim?
I am tired of politicians and anti-firearms special interests clawing their way to the top of the nearest pile of corpses to espouse the abrogation of our rights. The Constitution means nothing to the likes of Rep. Hastings and exists as a mere speed bump to his, and other's, agendas.

Two sworn officers died and have left children orphaned and the best this politician can come up with is to rush to the nearest microphone and spew pap.

Sickening; but eventually they will get their way. Our rights mean nothing to those whose agenda trumps everything including the Supreme Law of the Land.

That's well said, 44 AMP.

The rights of ordinary American citizens are abhorrent to Marxists. The very idea that we can think freely, speak freely, and refuse to submit to their schemes aggravates them no end.
What happened to all the folks around here who were claiming a few months ago that gun control was no longer on the Democrat agenda ?

I haven't seen them in the last couple weeks.
There's nothing different here than in any area of controversial politics. Hand the CCW saved the day and avoided any innocent bloodshed we'd make sure that was all over the press. All sides leverage the media - that's the art of the game and we shouldn't be surprised. Perhaps we just need to learn to play it better?
The emotional vivid instance is a well known technique to change attitudes. It is used by crackpots of every political ilk.

I'm sorry to say - so what. That's what folks do. Yes, we care about the RKBA but to think pro and anti forces for every issue don't use such is naive.

To get all bent out of shape because this technique is used isn't useful.

Since we are starting to get "marxists" - etc. - I think this is going nowhere.

We can let it run a bit - but if we continue such - it's closed.
Not unusual, and certainly did not surprise me or millions of other people. I sure don't get upset about it anymore; I have learned to ignore these people. My advice is to get used to it, it will happen every time there is some type of tragedy that involves a weapon that fires a projectile. If they were able to do away with guns, there would be people who would try and outlaw crossbows, throwing knives, etc.

As for the democratic agenda. I do not see it solely as a democratic agenda. There are many pro democrats; not only in the US congress, but also in State houses. There are also some anti gun republicans. Some of it depends on their constituents and how they feel, some of it depends on how that particular legislator feels about the subject of guns.
As for the democratic agenda. I do not see it solely as a democratic agenda.

That may be, but the specific posts I am referring to were trying to convince me that it was safe to vote for Democrats merely because the Dems weren't talking about gun control. I would then reference voting records, which always brings those particular ventures to a halt.
Obviously, existing gun control laws don't work. The fact that a wanted felon who is legally prohibited from possessing a firearm did, in fact, possess a firearm (violation #1) and used said firearm to shoot at law enforcement officers (violation #2), killing two of them in the process (violations # 3 and 4) is meaningless. What we NEEEEEED! is another law that says breaking the other laws is illegal.

Yessir! THAT's what we need.
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