Using a Lee Auto Disk Pro on a progressive LnL.. Why the chain??


New member
So I just ordered my Lock-n-Load and was wondering a quick question. I plan on using my Lee dies and expander/powder through with the Auto Disk Pro and happened to remember the chain my powder measures came with. It seems like you are supposed to use the chain with progressive presses but I can't figure out why. As far as the case getting charged wouldn't the measure be going through the same step as it would on a single stage press? Spring moves the disk(s) to the drop hole when arm is lowered, spring naturally returns back into place to get powder from the measure when the arm is raised...?
Lee recommended the chain to prevent a double charge. the measure won't reset until the full press stroke is completed.

I never found it necessary to use the chain on my Loadmaster, or on my LNL. The return spring is reliable, and not prone to breakage.

A powder check or lock out die will take care of powder charge concerns.
When I got my Lee Classic Turret, I robbed the Pro Autodisk off my Pro 1000. I had to get the spring kit for it to run on the turret press.

the spring works fine.