use your imagination

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New member
Do some of you really believe that if kerry would of won the election, he would of immediately sought to outlaw guns?

again this is asking for your opinion(no matter how bad of an idea it seems like). Just answer honestly and keep it on topic.
No he would have waited till he was sworn in first.

I don't think it would have been his first action, but I have no doubt - based on his past voting record in the Senate, which was 100% antigun - that he would have done everything in his power to destroy the right to arms that We The People have, and to effect confiscation of citizen's guns.

Kerry proved that he could lie about his intentions, but he could not outrun his histiry as an antigun Demosocialist - THANK GOD.
It may not have been Job One, but hacking away at what remains of the Second would most certainly have been on his "To Do" list.

rapier - :D :D
Do some of you really believe that if kerry would of won the election, he would of immediately sought to outlaw guns?

Yes. A slight glance at his congressional voting record answers that.
No. I'm sure that he would've tried to restrict it with 'sensible measures' if he had the time. He would've brought back the AWB and vetoed the Firearms Manufacturers' Protection Bill.
The depiction of him as a slavering gun-thirsty autocrat is a fiction, presented by partisan righties who care more about their politics than their rights.
Knowing all of the above, I'd still vote for him over Dubya.
/My $0.02.
//Would rather have a more palatable choice in '08

///Probably won't
Kerry would have most certainly extended the AWB to include all semi-auto rifles, and make it permanent. He would have used an executive order to close down the CMP. He would have put ultra-leftists on the supreme court, who would have gutted the RKBA at the first opportunity, as well as all our other rights. We would have taken two giant steps towards the abrogation of the consitution and imposition of a socialist government, had Gore or Kerry been elected.
All of this assumes, of course, that he had an ultra-liberal Senate and House to ram this stuff through.
Oops, he wouldn't have, would he?
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