USCCA. Anyone have experience?


New member
I was wondering if anyone had experience with uscca. I was thinking about be coming a member but not sure if it is worth it. Anyone have any dealings with them?
Experience vis-a-vis ... what?

A friend of mine has been an NRA-certified instructor for many years. A year or so ago he joined USCCA and paid big money to be one of the first people in our state to be certified to teach the USCCA carry course.

My friend doesn't earn his living teaching firearms safety. He has a responsible job that's full-time plus. He's a manager in an IT department, so in addition to his 9:00 - 5:00 job he's also on call pretty much 24/7, and it's not unusual for him to be fielding phone calls about problems until 9:00 or 10:00 at night. So he teaches classes when he has a few students who can all be available on the same Saturday, at the same time.

When he received his certification from USCCA, it was supposed to be good for a year. Six months later they notified him that he was decertified, because he hadn't taught enough classes. He appealed and, as far as I know, they told him to pound sand.

Here's what you need to know about USCCA: They are out to sell carry insurance. If you look up their address, it's in the same building as the company whose insurance they sell. A year or so back, USCCA was advertising for an accounts representative for my state. I assumed this would be a job that would involve visiting gun shops and shooting ranges to promote membership in the USCCA. That interested me.

I never heard from them so, at the SHOT Show in January, I found their booth and I talked to the woman who was supposedly in charge of hiring these state account representatives. She promised to get back to me ... and I haven't heard anything yet. I'm just as glad, because after talking to her for fifteen minutes it became VERY clear that all they are out to do is sell their carry insurance. Everything they do and everything they offer is geared toward selling the insurance.

I walked out of my meeting with the woman feeling very disillusioned.
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One of my customers is an instructor and representative for USCCA. It all sounds good, teach people and insure them in case of an armed confrontation. Right? USCCA is kinda like Legal Shield for gun owners. If you need a lawyer, they won't provide a lawyer but can tell you who to call in your state. If you get sued they provide some insurance as protection. I never bought the product or attended a class, so I can't tell you any more than you already know.
My only dealing with USCCA was signing up for some online raffle and then getting a crap ton of spam emails asking me to become a member. I was getting spam at least twice a day. After a week I unsubscribe

Unsure about them. Honestly, been looking back and forth between them and CCW Safe. Following this thread for more experiences.
to knowledge the only actual result anyone has had is that if you send them some money, they will send you a fake copy of a policemans badge. that if you ever get caught with by law enforcement will get you felony impersonation of law enforcement.
PocketCamera said:
to knowledge the only actual result anyone has had is that if you send them some money, they will send you a fake copy of a policemans badge. that if you ever get caught with by law enforcement will get you felony impersonation of law enforcement.
Source? This statement calls for substantiation. I know people who belong to USCCA and none have mentioned a fake police badge as part of the membership package.
I remember a few years ago seeing an actual paper catalog, think it was midsouth, that had a little badge that looked like a standard detectives badge with their logo and name on it being sold to people who carried on a concealed permit to and i qoute,

prove and show to law enforcement that you are a legal gun carrying person.

it was mentioned as being part of the standard membership package. i do recall it was a funny joke on other gun forums about 12 years ago.
allenomics said:
To me, the best aspect of the article is a table that illustrates numerous features, benefits and costs.
Similar chart from a different source:

To me, the best aspect of the article is a table that illustrates numerous features, benefits and costs.
to knowledge the only actual result anyone has had is that if you send them some money, they will send you a fake copy of a policemans badge. that if you ever get caught with by law enforcement will get you felony impersonation of law enforcement.
Holding a Concealed Carry Badge is just generally a bad idea I'd imagine. Especially in today's current environment.