USA Today with another tale of an illegal gun dealer


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"Twomey faces a maximum sentence of 45 years in prison, but under federal sentencing guidelines he will serve far less time, says his lawyer, Dan Horowitz."
Hello? Does ANYONE in the Media see the real problem here?

"Twomey decided to talk about his endeavor as a public means of accepting responsibility. He plans to meet with attorneys working on Oakland and San Francisco's suits against gun makers and says he'd like to testify before Congress to educate the public further."
Well, there it is boys. When you get caught using a gun or doing something like this, just go over to the anti side and they will embrace you and the liberal judges will look kindly upon you. It reminds me of that great scene in the black and white version of 1984, when our hero finally cracks and the interrogator hugs and blesses him for seeing the truth.

Oh yeah, they just told everybody how easy it is to alter/create an FFL license. If you can scan and alter a date, you can also alter a name and any other info.

Another slick piece of anti-gun propaganda.
Goebbels must be beaming with pleasure.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
This is just another in a long string of stories planted by BATF to boost their plans to get a huge budget increase. See how all the problems would be solved if BATF could just have unlimited funds? See how more money to BATF will keep us all safe? See how more GS-16s at BATF will ensure that there are no more illegal gun sales? See how more laws for BATF to enforce will prove the need for more GS-16s at BATF?

Get the picture?

No matter what the law requires, no matter what the mission statement says, the main job of a bureaucracy is to perpetuate and expand itself.

Note that Waco was a BATF exercise to show a "can do" attitude to the new administration, and to show that they could take on the expanded responsibility an anti-gun administration would give them. And get more GS-16s. Eighty people, four of them BATF agents, died to get more promotions at BATF.
