USA Today acknowledges AIM-SAS, Start Tribune (Mpls) touts MMM only

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Time for some hand-written faxes to Mpls. Pravda (Star-Tribune)...will note that their lies on topics I can verify make me question all other info from them.
Yes, I found a few on-line. However, I found very little in the printed edition when I skimmed it this morning. I plan to have a little talk with their editor anyway.
USA Today is a Gannett Corp. owned paper. Gannett has been extremely anti-Bill of Rights, and pro-confiscation of the firearms of the serfs and slaves for many years. Never expect anything but lies, half lies and disinformation from Gannett, and all the rest of the mainstream media, and you'll never be disappointed.

They have one object, and that is to destroy us and institute the Great Brave New Marxist Socialist Police State.
