USA Shooting and CMP competition


New member
Hi, all,

How difficult is it to get into pistol competition in USA Shooting and CMP? How good do you have to be?

For fun, not for the fame and glory. :D

- pdmoderator
USA Shooting, I don't know. While I do shoot in a league at the Olympic Training Center, it really has nothing to do with the folks on "The" team. Frankly, I've never even seen them. I don't know if there is a try out or not.

As far as CMP and NRA sports, there is no "good enough," you just go and shoot. They'll welcome you with open arms. Are you looking for pistol competition only? What type? FYI, the NRA has a lot more going on thean the CMP in regards to matches. Don't short yourself by leaving them out.
re you looking for pistol competition only? What type?
Yes, and bullseye.

Reason I'm asking is the PRNJ "smart" gun bill. :barf: It exempts guns that are only used to shoot in CMP and USA Shooting competitions. It does not, however, exempt guns that are used in competitions sponsored by the eeeeeeevile baby-killing NRA. :barf:

I get the feeling that there will be a lot more CMP activity in PRNJ now. ;)

Thanks, Steve!

- pdmoderator
FYI, it just so happens that CMP guns (for EIC matches, for example) are the same guns used in parts of NRA Bullseye.

Amazing. ;)
While I'm not a Pistol Shooter, I can tell you that the guns used for CMP Matches are "Ball guns" and have more restrictive rules than the NRA Bullseye Matches (for instance they must be the 1911 or M9 designs and no beavertail, ambi safety etc). A Ball Gun can be used for NRA Matches, but an NRA gun does not necessarily qualify as a CMP gun.

The USAS Matches are essentially the International Disciplines shot in the Olympics. That would be Free Pistol, Sport Pistol, Rapid Fire Pistol etc. Again I am not a pistol shooter but I suspect that a Glock, Sig, and even 1911's do not qualify as a USAS Legal Pistol.
That's actually what I was trying to say. A CMP gun will fit within the rules of the NRA. Since he's interested in CMP competition, I addressed it with the understanding that he'd have a CMP legal gun.

Thanks Chris.
You can contact the ISSF or USA Shooting to find matches in your state. International pistol isn't that popular in this country. I shoot in it at the collegiate level. Usually most states have a few matches a year and a state championship match. USA Shooting has a Spring Selection match every year to pick the team that goes to the Word Cup, I think the Olympic tryout match is in the fall. If you do well at one of the selection matches, you might have a shot at a place on the National Development Team, although highly unlikely unless you've been in the sport for some time. The types of guns used in ISSF competition are the expensive European type. Walther GSPs, Hammerli, Pardini, Anschutz etc.... all run about $1500+ and up to $3000
Nooo Joisey??????


New Jersey is a veritable HOTBED of bullseye pistol shooting. I live just outside of Trenton and can shoot a registered 2700 just about every week of the year with a one hour drive. If I wanted to drive two hours, I would have a choice of two or three matches. We have some of the best shooters in the country to compete against and learn from. From Cherry Ridge in the north to Millville in the south, there must be 30 clubs that put on matches, indoor and out. Even more have local leagues on weeknights.

Two websites to look at: NJ Ass'n of Rifle & Pistol Clubs and NJ Pistol .com .

The second site has links to most of the club's websites, a calander of bullseye matches, a few for sale links and a price list for one of the best cast bullet suppliers around, TSM casting. Jean V. of TSM brings bullets, primers & some powder to many bullseye matches. No shipping and no HazMat charges. He's a bullseye shooter and a nice guy.

We send a team to Camp Perry every year and do fairly well.

How good do you have to be? Good enough to hit the backstop with every shot. If you want, you may shoot just the .22 part of a match to start off gradually. Everybody there will want to help if you have problems. The NJ bullseye shooters are most definitly a good group.

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