US warship/SEALS to guard 2000 Olympics

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>The Courier Mail

US warship to guard Olympics

14 Dec 99

THE United States will station an aircraft carrier off the Australian coast to deter terrorist attacks during next year's Sydney Olympic Games.

The carrier, probably the USS Abraham Lincoln, will be equipped to respond to any terrorists using helicopters and the elite Navy Seals.

Normally, it would require a call from President Bill Clinton to Prime Minister John Howard before US forces would be deployed on Australian soil.

"The reality is the US will act alone if necessary," a senior Australian Government source said yesterday.

"We should be prepared to act together, but if United States interests or people are threatened, the world's policeman [sic] will go it alone."

The carrier will cruise in international waters about 300km east of Sydney with a
supporting battle fleet including a destroyer and submarine.

The force will include specialist units trained in anti-biological and chemical warfare and have on-board hospitals to deal with any victims of the new generation of terror weapons.

Another senior Government source said the potent US deployment did not reflect badly on Australia.

"The Yanks do not trust anyone to look after their people at a major international event such as the Olympic Games."

The Abraham Lincoln would be barred from Sydney Harbour during the Games, as have all foreign navy ships because of the expected congestion.

US officials and Israeli security personnel will be the only two nationalities
permitted to carry guns on to Australian soil during the Games.

US officials have refused to comment on whether the navy will send a forward presence to Australia for the Games.

But US naval sources confirmed that the Abraham Lincoln -- one of the world's largest aircraft carriers -- was scheduled to be in the region during the Olympics.

The Lincoln is nuclear-powered and carries more than 6000 personnel.

It is understood accommodation already has been booked for Mr Clinton and his entourage in Sydney, adding another dimension for security planners.

Australia's lack of readiness for a biological or chemical attack is believed to be a crucial factor in the US deployment.

According to Government sources, the big weakness in Australian security planning is dealing with the new, highly portable weapons of mass destruction. A single test tube of anthrax could cause thousands of casualties.

It is understood that with the backing of the Spanish Government, the US had warships based off the Spanish coast during the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games.

FBI observers already in Sydney will be joined by military liaison officers early
next year.

Australian Defence Force director-general of military support for the Sydney Olympics, Brigadier Adrian D'Hage, said he would make no comment on specific naval movements.

"I won't give any details of what arrangements may or may not have been made other than to say that we meet on a very regular basis," he said. "Those co-operative discussions will continue right up to the Games because obviously the security of the US Olympic team is one we give special attention to because of the US place in the world."[/quote]

Bruce, You know very well that an American aircraft carrier will not travel with 'a destroyer and submarine'only and U.S.Navy Seals aren't policemen. Looks to me like the WORLD cannot trust you blokes to take care of business in your current disarmed way. The keys of World Govenment are getting pressed in a regular order these days.
BTW I'd love to be sailing down there with you guys.
Welcome to the New World Order, Bruce!

We here in the U.S. know you aren't smart enough to provide your own security, so we'll be there to protect you, like it or not!

This is just like the new NATO/UN doctrine. We're here to help and damn it, you better smile when you're being told what to do in your own country.

BTW, I have it on pretty good authority that the SEALs were very much active during the LA Olympics in '84. That's a little different of course. If the SEALs are in Australia at the Olympics uninvited and one gets caught with a gun, I wonder what the punishment will be?
And what in the world are the SEALs going to do in case of an Anthrax attack? The chance that somehow a SEAL will be in just the right place at just the right time to prevent such an attack is slim and none.

"Put a rifle in the hands of a Subject, and he immediately becomes a Citizen." -- Jeff Cooper
Sounds like Clinton "show boating". When will we stop asking our military to play roles they are not designed for? ie. Policeman of the World.

An armed society is a polite society.
What is an Aircraft Carrier going to do to the Tango with a Back Pack full of Pipe Bombs?!

Or do Terrorists make amphibious assaults these days?

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
We, the people, are tired of being taxed, penalized, supervised, harassed,
and subjugated by a federal government which exceeds the powers
enumerated in the U.S. Constitution.
Sorry, guys, guess my intent in posting this wasn't too clear.

I was just wondering why:

1. You poor buggers are expected to be the "world's policemen". I'm sure it's a job you never asked for.

2. Our SAS can't do the job? With all due respect to the SEALS, I'm damned sure our Special Air Services Regiment is at least their equal -- and they'll be playing on their own mudpatch.

IF the SEALS are just there to look after Bill Clinton et al. -- fine. And what are the FBI doing here already???? It's still 10 months before the Games start.

Do they know something we don't?

1. You poor buggers are expected to be the "world's policemen". I'm sure it's a job you never asked for.
Bruce, you're right we never ask for it, but Billy boy loves it!

2. Our SAS can't do the job? With all due respect to the SEALS, I'm damned sure our Special Air Services Regiment is at least
their equal -- and they'll be playing on their own mudpatch.

I agree. But how can we play Globo Cop with somebody elses people?

IF the SEALS are just there to look after Bill Clinton et al. -- fine. And what are the FBI doing here already???? It's still 10 months before the Games start.
They're there to make sure all you Aussie's have your boomerangs(sp?) locked up!! ;)

Well, Tom Clancy got there first! Anybody read "Rainbow Six"?

1. I wonder how many "suspicious persons" will get hammered? "Grandma is rummaging in her purse. Chapstick or Anthrax?"

2. If some terrorist does indeed do "something", do you think that we'll have a televised ringside seat at one of the world's greater cluster-whoopees?

3. How does an SAS type in his anti-anthrax gear tell if somebody else in anti-anthrax costume is a SEAL, a Terr, or a WTO protester? Telepathy?

Glad I ain't gonna be there...

:), Art
Just what you need. More of us yanks sitting down to eat at a resaurant and asking the waitress for a napkin.
Bruce maybe those ships are U.S. but probably given to the CHI-COM by slick willie, probably just a secret invasion, you all know they would love to have that outback of yours.The SAS should be able to handle any threat and no need for the SEALS, hell the SEALs went to the SAS for training when they started.

Art maybe the ringside seat will appear on pay-per-view with it sponcered by don king and his KingVison. This could be the secret return of iron mike, "hey were serious this time."
Time to put Operation "Goanna" into effect...
Y'know how to take out all of the Feds, Seals et all in one go ?
Give them an entree of 'Roo tail soup followed up by some Croc Burgers !
If that doesn't work I guess they'll be stayin' & learning how to say "G'day y'all" ;)

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Alternate E-mail
Seal team 6 spent a year in LA before the games reviewing security, Photographing the inside and out f every building in LA that could be used for an illegal operation and working with the many police units involved. It doesn't surprise me that we would take over the security responsibility but can anybody guess how much a day it costs to keep a battle group at sea? Last figure I recall seeing was over a Million a day just for the aircraft carrier and more than a million for the other ships and that doesn't include all the Tomahawks we will shoot at any perceived terrorist. Be Sure that you issue tin hats to our good TFL members down there.
I fully understand the US Government's desire
to protect their head of state.And I hope
there will be no trouble or terrorism.
If Australia's Prime Minister goes anywhere
he is usually quite safe--nobody knows who he
is.Mind you we could probably afford to pay
for a couple of bodyguards and arm them with
Assault Boomerangs if necessary.
By the way--What do you call a boomerang that
doesn't come back?
A stick!