Us customs trying to change definition of switchblade to include pretty much anything


New member
Apparently, the US customs people are trying to rewrite the definition of a switchblade knife, which is used in the majority of states knife laws as the de-facto definition, to include any assisted opening knife, and ANY KNIFE THAT CAN BE OPENED WITH ONE HAND- thus including any easy opener, ie over 80% of the pocket knives sold in the us, and even a few swiss army knives.... If it potentially can be opened with one hand its a no-no under these rules, no matter how it is done, ie if one customs guy can manage it with a weird trick, its a switchblade... they have refused to extend the period for comments beyond 30 days, so the comment period expires this month.... so guys, if this is'nt stopped, and you carry a modern pocket knife, welcome to being a felon in most states...... (sorry, I have no link, but google it for more info )
WOW, that sucks. That's basically every blade under the sun that isn't a fixed blade. Just when I thought laws couldn't get dumber, here they go trying to get stupid.:barf:When you OUTLAW weapons the only people who will have weapons are OUTLAWS, cant they figure that out.

soon, you will only be allowed a pocket knife if it has a plastic blade and no longer than a 1" blade.... :barf:

Here in Oz, switch blades are a no-no and I believe 3" or 4" is the maximum length of blade allowed..... thanks big brother! :mad:

I know getting on aeroplanes these days, you cant even take your pocket knife at all.... in fact, my SWMBO has lost a couple of pairs of hairdressing scizzors at the airport check in, they are dangerous weapons, hairdressing scizzors! Last time I went on a flight, I had to snap the nail file off of my fingernail 'nippers'.... evidently the 3/4" nail file attached to the nippers could also be used to bring down the plane :barf:

I knew things like this are bad over here in Oz, I can't believe they are pulling this BS on you guys in the US now (well, I can believe it if it is California we are talkin' about), but in the rest of (the real USA) I find it amazing.

You guys need to watch out your laws regarding guns & knives dont get overbaring like over here.... keep your eyes and ears peeled for your 'protective/over protective' political groups pulling all this BS behind your backs!
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Oh yeah....

But you step into any kitchen in the world, and you will find steak/carving knives, electric (battery) carving knives & carvung forks..... cleavers and saws 'designed' to cut meat..... with blades up to 10"+ long...... in dive shops..... huge sharp sheathed knives, speer guns (oh no, they are banned already) ...... Hardware/tool shops that sell chisels, screwdrivers, machete's, pitch forks (chainsaws)..... these all must be ok? (for now)!

Just don't take them on a plane I guess??! :barf:
I'll look for link, would someone else help. First man to post it wins? I want to contact my congress people concerning this and a link would help:mad:

Here's the proposal, I was busy reading it.:eek::eek::eek:

and ANY KNIFE THAT CAN BE OPENED WITH ONE HAND- thus including any easy opener, ie over 80% of the pocket knives sold in the us, and even a few swiss army knives.... If it potentially can be opened with one hand its a no-no under these rules, no matter how it is done, ie if one customs guy can manage it with a weird trick, its a switchblade...

I'm not seeing that in the proposal. All I'm seeing is where they are doing a 180 on spring assisted knives. I haven't read it word for word all the way through, but I haven't found the portion that rules a thumb knuckle a "switchblade button".
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Remember guys, Customs and Border Patrol ONLY has the power to create regulations with regards to IMPORTATION. It has absolutely no power over anything that doesn't cross the border.
Remember guys, Customs and Border Patrol ONLY has the power to create regulations with regards to IMPORTATION. It has absolutely no power over anything that doesn't cross the border.

Sorry, but I take little or no comfort from that fact. As soon as the item is demonized in the press, it's a short ride to demonize the American made items. Besides, what is the Customs and Border Patrol doing making policy? Aren't they law ENFORCEMENT rather than legislators?

And how is it they feel that they have the luxury of resources to create a whole new class of contraband, when they haven't begun to scratch the surface of already dangerous items flowing wholesale in to the country? Boys, can we worry about the problems we have yet to solve, before we artificially create new ones?
That's right Doyle. Characterizing a change like this by Customs would not make anyone carrying such a knife "a felon".

A bit overly dramatic I think.

That means it would include carpet knives (triangular, reversable/replaceable blade) stanley knives (or plastic equivelant box/carton knives with segmented/snap off blades) and razor blade retractable window scrapers??

I used to have a switch combe (yup, for hair) it looked just like a knife.... got me in alot of poo too :eek::D
Lots of chatter on some of the 'knife' sites about this today. Many suggesting a campaign to contact Senators and Representatives to oppose the proposed changes. As I understand it the reg. would apply only to the importation of certain knives, not necessarily the ownership of them???

My concern is that it's another example of Government control over another facet of it's citizens lives.
How would changing the definition of a switchblade used by customs make possession a Felony? It could affect importation but certainly not possession.

Does customs have the authority to change the definition used in every single state statute? Which is where the possession of these knives is regulated outside of federal lands.
Does customs have the authority to change the definition used in every single state statute?

Nope, not at all. The ONLY authority they have is the ability to change the INTERPRETATION of what is classified a switchblade for the purposes of importation.
How would changing the definition of a switchblade used by customs make possession a Felony? It could affect importation but certainly not possession.

The worry is that many states base their definitions of a "switchblade" off of the U.S. Customs definition. If USC changes their definition, then those states my change theirs as well. Personally, I think banning switchblades at all is pretty dumb.
webley's right ... I wrote both my senators this morning after I got something in my email from a knife group I belong to ... I think this may not be as bad as it sounds, but it's the first step ... and states, especiall states like CA and MA, will use the regs as a basis for law ...
Was there some event that triggered this brainstorm at Customs or did some nit come over from the UK to tell them how well the knife ban over there is working?

I can't seem to find out why this got onto someone's agenda, but maybe that is something we are not desired to know (?).