US Allows Hunters To Bring Guns To Zimbabwe (Again...)


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Copyright 2002 Agence France Presse
Agence France Presse

July 23, 2002 Tuesday 11:41 AM Eastern Time

SECTION: Domestic, non-Washington, General News

LENGTH: 250 words

HEADLINE: US eases arms export ban to allow hunters to bring guns into Zimbabwe


The United States on Tuesday eased arms export restrictions imposed earlier this year against Zimbabwe to allow US hunters to bring firearms into the country as long the weapons are not left there.

The change was announced by the State Department in a notice published in the Federal Register. "This will allow Americans citizens to temporarily bring hunting and sporting rifles and similar guns to Zimbabwe," a department official said.

"They will be able to bring them in, but they have to bring them back -- they can't sell, trade or give them away," the official said.

The official stressed that the hunting and sporting allowance was the only exception to the sanctions which were originally imposed in April following heavily criticized presidential elections won by incumbent Robert Mugabe.

The department said that those restrictions were justified after the Mugabe government's subverted the democratic process, orchestrated a campaign of violence and intimidation against the opposition and showed "blatant disregard" for the rule of law and human rights abuses.

The State Department official said Tuesday's announcement was sparked by concerns that Zimbabwe's national parks -- which collect fees from safari hunters that are spent for conservation promotion -- might suffer if the full ban remained in place.

The official said US sportsmen were not as likely to travel and spend their money in Zimbabwe's parks if they were not allowed to bring in their own guns.