***URGENT - TAX Imposed on Second Amendment Rights in Florida!

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New member
I have not seen this posted anywhere and think it is something that should be supported as it just makes me want to :barf:

I am a long time lurker ...


***URGENT - TAX Imposed on Second Amendment Rights in Florida!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

DATE: May 14, 2009
TO: USF & NRA Member and Friends
FROM: Marion P. Hammer
USF Executive Director
NRA Past President

When government takes money from citizens for general use by government, IT'S A TAX.

When government confiscates user fees from trust funds intended to be used to administer specific programs and converts it to government use for other purposes, IT'S A TAX.

When government leaders claim to oppose tax increases and promise not to create new taxes but then raid trust funds, they have deceived you because THEY HAVE CREATED A NEW TAX.

In a last minute sneak attack on gun owners, the Florida Legislature raided the concealed weapons and firearms licensing trust fund and CREATED A TAX ON THE EXERCISE OF THE SECOND AMENDMENT.

They took $6 million from the Division of Licensing Concealed Weapons and Firearm Trust Fund that is intended, by law, to be used solely for administering the concealed weapons and firearms licensing program. THAT IS A DEFACTO TAX ON GUN OWNERS (Read background Information below).

Whether you are a resident or non-resident holder of a Florida Concealed Weapons and Firearms License, this affects you!

Please Call, Fax, or Email Governor Charlie Crist IMMEDIATELY, and ask him to VETO THE SECOND AMENDMENT TAX created by the confiscation of $6 million from the Division of Licensing Trust Fund.

Phone number: (850) 488-4441 or (850) 488-7146
Fax number: (850) 487-0801

Send your email to the Governor at this address:
Crist has royally #^&*ed Florida since he's been in office. His ram rodding of Amendment 1 (which cut property taxes and the income Cities generated from them) cut Goverment incomes across the board so now they are trying to implement NEW taxes to make up for the shortfall (the money has to come from someplace) from the property tax thing. You can write him but he's busy getting ready to run for Senator so he's got bigger things on his mind. Can't wait for him to go one way or another. Win or lose the senate race, we're hoping he's one term charlie
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