Urgent!!! Million Mom March event in Virginia tonight!

Got this from a Friend in Maryland. Haven't confirmed any of the details, and I can't make it down there.

We need to get on their mailing list so we can start attending!


From a Million Mom March fax**********************October 12, 2000

Hi all!

Just wanted to let you all know about our next press event. On Tuesday,
October 17, 2000 we will be holding a press
conference at noon at Mango Mike's, 4580 Duke Street, Alexandria. We
will be focusing on guns in bars and restaurants.

As Governor of Virginia, George Allen sought to allow handguns into bars
and restaurants...fortunately, at the time, he failed and
guns are NOT presently permitted in establishments where alcohol is

HOWEVER, the General Assembly is now
considering a change in the law which would permit those with concealed
carry permits to bring their guns into establishmentswhere alcohol is served.
Let's make ourselves and our point perfectly clear - we do not want guns
in establishments where alcohol is served, we did not want it back when
George Allen was Governor, and he and the NRA fought to permit such an
act, and we don't want it now!!! It decries common sense!

It will be a GREAT event for certain. Hope to see you all there. Again,
feel free to bring anyone, and everyone!
In addition, please do not forget our next MMM meeting on Monday,
October 16th at Congregation Adat Reyim in Springfield, VA at 7:45 pm.

We have a lot to review and we look forward to having a large crowd.
(The parking lot will be busy at 7:30, as classes end and parents pick
up their kids however, there will be plenty of parking available come7:40 pm).

GREAT, EXCITING NEWS FOR OUR MMM MEMBERSHIP - National MMM has approved our nomination forendorsement of Senator Chuck Robb.
In a letter to Senator Chuck Robb from the National MMM:

"I am pleased to inform you that the Million Mom March endorses your
candidacy to continue to represent Virginia in the U.S.
Senate. This endorsement reflects our opinion that you have demonstrated
courage and leadership in your support of sensiblegun laws.......
"We believe that your candidacy provides an opportunity to take control
over gun policy away from the extremists and return it to the people.
The majority of Americans want to be represented by legislators who
support sensible gun laws, not by the gun lobby. Together, we can adopt
policies that will make every American safer. We look forward to working
with you to realized our common mission.

Sincerely,Eric Gorovitz
Director of Policy"

How exciting for us all! Look for upcoming details about a No. VA MMM
endorsement press conference in the next coupleweek.

For those of you who attended the FIRST MONDAY program a few weeks ago,
sponsored by Alliance for Justice, I know
you will agree with my assessment - it was a very successful, exciting,
informative afternoon. One of the highlights was definitely, our very
own, Congressman Jim Moran, who represents the 8th CD. Congressman Moran
was on the panel as our Virginia elected official and spoke VERY
eloquently, and passionately about gun safety - AS HE ALWAYS DOES! We
are VERY proud, to have Congressman Jim Moran, an elected official in
VIRGINIA who believes so passionately in our cause and communicates our
message with such vigor and strength. Many of you likely remember him
marching with us on Mother's Day!

Only 26 days left before the election and we have a lot to do! We will
be reviewing what our plan is for the next few weeks and what you all
can do to help if you are so inclined at our meeting on the 16th. If you
cannot attend, PLEASE email me and let me know and I will share with you
our plan for the next few weeks and how you can assist us.

Thanks again for your support! I am looking forward to seeing you on
Monday night and again Tuesday afternoon.
We ARE going to do this! We will prevail on November 7, 2000 in electing
candidates which support common sense gunlegislation!!

Smith & Wesson is dead to me.

If you want a Smith & Wesson, buy USED!

[This message has been edited by Mike Irwin (edited October 17, 2000).]