URGENT: For the Illinois Gun Owners


I am told that there is a chance for an Illinois concealed carry bill to actually get passed this year from a really good source. A really, REALLY good source.

I am starting to visit every single forum that I am subscribed to and not just the firearm forums, every forum and trying to enlist people to first; log on and join www.IllinoisCarry.com and second; join the ISRA and NRA and third, get vocal by calling their State reps and Senators, call radio programs and send Letters to the Editors of every paper in Illinois and fourth, attend IGOLD and get as many people as they know to attend IGOLD. To further that, I am including IGOLD (Illinois GunOwners Lobby Day in Springfield on March 10)posters and an invitations to print them out and post them..

It is not hard to get a political buzz started because of the Internet. It is entirely possible to start a contagious positive buzz started if it breaks out in numerous websites and very definitely not just those directed at firearms. For instance, I have a Jeep Wrangler and belong to four different Jeep forums. I have a travel trailer and belong to two different RV websites.

I am also asking anyone that reads my posts on all of these forums to do the same thing. Go to any forums they belong to and urge folks to do any or all four of the four things I have listed.

Illinois Carry has over 2000 members. By March 10, we can get that to 4,000 or more members.

Todd Vandermyde, the NRA Illinois Lobbyist, is in Springfield fighting for us and he needs to start hearing State Reps and Senators telling him that their office phones are starting to ring off the hook from pro-RTC voters.

Don't wait, do this now. It is time to "gather the clans" because this could happen this very Spring.
there is a chance that this may happen.............

get the word out NOW..................a list of representatives and senators..............


a sample message................

"Please initiate and/or support legislation
that DEEMPHASIZES gun control and
PROMOTES concealed or open carry
of hand guns in Illinois.

Hand gun bans and gun controls have
not been an effective deterrent to crime.
The only persons controlled by these
laws are the law abiding citizens.

Gang bangers and criminals obtain and
use firearms illegally on a daily basis.

Please allow the honest people to defend
themselves against attackers and place
the residents of Illinois on an equal level
with the other States that allow their
citizens to own and carry handguns.

Thank you for your consideration."

write to your favorite elected offical NOW!!
Just out of curiosity, I went to the Illinois General Assembly's website. I ran a search on "carry." Here's what I found:

SB1963, introduced 2/10/2011: http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/97/SB/09700SB1963.htm

SB0082, introduced 1/27/2011: http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/97/SB/09700SB0082.htm

SB2150, introduced 2/10/2011: http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/97/SB/09700SB2150.htm

HB0112, introduced 1/12/2011: http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/97/HB/09700HB0112.htm

HB1043, introduced ??: http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/97/HB/09700HB1403.htm

HB1048, introduced 1/18/2011: http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/97/HB/09700HB0148.htm

I hope to get around to reading all of these later, but I don't have time right now. I think it might help, if you contact your representatives, to know what bills you want them to support.

Good luck, Illinois!
Concealed Carry in Illinois? With anti gun politicians in total control of every major political office in the state? I doubt it will ever happen. I’ve been wrong before, but I don’t think I’m wrong about this one.
Concealed Carry in Illinois? With anti gun politicians in total control of every major political office in the state? I doubt it will ever happen. I’ve been wrong before, but I don’t think I’m wrong about this one.

Honestly I feel good. Especially when the antis use this poor excuse for an argument.

""The Supreme Court in both decisions said there is some room for reasonable regulation" of guns, noted Mark Walsh, campaign director for the Illinois Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. The Chicago-based group "will continue to work with our allies to make sure it doesn't pass," said Walsh.

He dismissed the argument that Illinois should rethink its law because the rest of the nation has. "My mother used to say, 'If all your friends jumped off the building, would you?'""

Seriously? That's what he came up with? I mean...seriously?

I don't understand these people who work for anti-gun coalitions. So if the law gets changed, the city will see NO increase in violent crime, and will most likely see it DECREASE. What will they say then?

Criminals are probably scared that a law like this could pass... now John Q Public might be legally packing the means to protect himself.
The bills under considerations are Illinois HB148 and SB82.

If there are any Illinois members, here is a sample letter that you could send to your Representative and Senator:

Dear Representative/Senator xxxxx,

I am a resident of xxxxxxx, IL and a voting member of your district. I am also a member of both the National Rifle Association and the Illinois State Rifle Association, and am a firm believer and supporter of the 2nd Amendment rights of our Constitution allowing for the right of our citizens to bear arms and protect ourselves and our families.

I am writing today to request your support, sponsorship, and vote on two important bills that have been recently introduced into the Illinois State Legislature this session (HB148 and SB82). These bills have been introduced by a number of your fellow legislators regarding the creation of the Family and Personal Protection Act which would allow for the concealed and open carry of firearms for the citizens of our state.

As you are likely aware, Illinois is currently one of only two states where the current gun control laws continue to restrict the rights and access for our law abiding citizens to protect ourselves and families from possible criminal situations. The two bills which have been introduced this legislative session are very important pieces of legislature towards restoring the rights to Illinois' citizens. These bills would allow the honest people of Illinois the right to carry firearms, and defend themselves against attackers if needed. Furthermore, this legislations would place the residents of Illinois on an equal level with the other States that allow their citizens to own and carry handguns.

As both Federal and Local gun control legislation has clearly shown that banning handguns, assault weapons, large capacity magazines, etc. is not an effective deterrent to crime, nor does it reduce the rate of violent crime within our cities. Even with the existing gun control laws in place, criminals have shown that they will continue to obtain and use firearms illegally on a daily basis. Furthermore, if you look at other states where concealed carry of firearms is permitted you will likely find a reduction of crime, and will certainly find no additional increase of violent crime related to the state's citizens ability to carry a firearm.

Unfortunately, the only persons controlled by the current gun control laws have been people like myself - the law abiding citizens.

As such, I request your considerations and support of both HB148 and SB82 concerning the creation of the Family and Personal Protection Act and the right for Illinois citizens to concealed carry firearms. I would also request your future support in limiting and eliminating additional gun control legislation in Illinois.

Thank you for your consideration.
Please excuse my ignorance. What does “Added Co-Sponsor” mean? Are these representatives that are actually sponsoring the bill?
Yes, added co-sponsors are those who may not have drafter the initial legislation be are now sided with/for the bill.