URGENT ACTION by ALL gunowners needed immediately!!!


New member
Hostettler Vote Put Off Until Monday
-- Make sure you've delivered the message below to your Rep.

Gun Owners of America E-Mail/FAX Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408 http://www.gunowners.org
This alert posted on the web at: http://www.gunowners.org/a062400.htm

(Weekend edition, June 24, 2000) -- Rep. John Hostettler (R-IN) is
still in the "on deck circle" waiting to offer his pro-gun amendment
to the Justice Department funding bill (H.R. 4690).

Rep. Hostettler had planned to offer the amendment on Friday, but
debate over the appropriations bill has tarried quite long and
pushed several proposed amendments into next week.

Hostettler's provision will stop the Justice Department from being
able to enforce the recent Smith & Wesson agreement. If this
amendment passes, the government will be prohibited from taking
S&W -- or any other company -- to court for failing to abide by the
terms of that agreement.

This amendment will especially encourage those businesses that
manufacture guns to refrain from joining Smith & Wesson. Several
manufacturers are refusing to do so, and this protection will
strengthen their resolve. Moreover, the amendment will prevent the
Clinton administration from using extortion (via the threat of a
lawsuit) to coerce gun makers into joining the gun control


1. Please call or fax or email your Representative and ask him to
support the Hostettler amendment that will be offered to the
Commerce-Justice-State bill (H.R. 4690). Use the GOA Legislative
Action Center at http://www.gunowners.org/activism.htm to identify
and contact your Rep. You can also call the House of Representatives
at 202-225-3121, or toll-free at 1-888-449-3511.

2. Forward this alert to as many gun owners as possible and ask them
to contact their Congressman this weekend or on Monday. The vote on
the Hostettler amendment will be held late Monday after 6:00 P.M.
Thus, there is still plenty of time to contact legislators.

------URGENT Pre-written message ------

Dear Representative:

I support the amendment that Rep. John Hostettler is expected to
offer to the Commerce-Justice-State appropriations bill (H.R. 4690).
This important amendment will stop the Justice Department from in
any way enforcing the gun control "legislation" that was foisted
upon the country in the Smith & Wesson agreement back in March.

The Smith & Wesson agreement is legislation through litigation, and
it would regulate and restrict ALL firearms sold by dealers that
carry Smith and Wesson products. This horrible agreement is not
limited to just S&W. It will also restrict the sales of firearms
made by Glock, Remington, H&K, etc.

Almost as dangerous is the fact that the gun control in the S&W
agreement was unilaterally imposed by the President's
administration upon the people of this nation.

Gun Owners of America supports the Hostettler language; and I hope
that you will also support this amendment to the CJS funding bill.
Please let me know what you intend to do.


Do not reply directly to this message.

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To unsubscribe send a message to gunowners_members@mailmanager.net
with the word unsubscribe in the subject line.

Change of e-mail address: unsubscribe the old address and
subscribe the new using the above instructions.

Problems, questions or comments? The main GOA e-mail address
goamail@gunowners.org is at your disposal. Please do not add that
address to distribution lists sending more than ten messages per
week or lists associated with issues other than gun rights.

I hope each and every one of you who read this will contact your Representative as soon as possible.

Let's get to work!


"Militias, when properly formed, are in fact the people themselves and include all men capable of bearing arms. [...] To preserve liberty it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them."

-- Senator Richard Henry Lee, 1788, on "militia" in the 2nd Amendment
My Congressman (Bob Stump R-AZ) already supports this.

Defend the Constitution from the foreign threat!!!!

Yeah, I got a permit to carry,it's called the friggin Constitution.---Ted Nugent

"Man killing is nasty business"---Finn Aggard
Let's do it gentlemen. Chime in.
Talk about 1911s after you've sent your e-mail.

Later on today why don't you snail-mail on guncontrol in general?
Latest update on Hostettler's amendments:

His first amendment, which prohibits HUD from spending federal Money for the "communities for Safer guns Coalition" passed 218-207.

Sorry, I only have the votes of NY congresscritters (naturally my critter, Lazio, voted against Hostettler%$#@!#$)

The second amendment which would have prohibited HUD from trying to enforce the S & W agreement FAILED 219-206. (Phooey)

According to my source the votes were Wednesday.

Kind of a mixed bag, but Hostettler deserves our support and thanks.

Geoff Ross

One reason to vote in the next Presidential election.

It's the Supreme Court, Stupid!
My Congresscritter is a bleeding heart liberal but I emailed her anyway. Also took the time to email one of my Senators and ask him top talk to her! Who knows, she might actually think about it before she votes! NAHHHH! :rolleyes:

A Life Well Lived Is The Best Revenge!
We got one more chance at this - Rep. Hostettler plans to offer his amendment again. The next vehicle will be the Treasury-Postal appropriations bill which will probably come to the floor after the July 4th recess. Both the House and the Senate
will be on recess until 7/10/2000. Please contact your Representative and ask him to support the Hostettler amendment to the Treasury-Postal bill (which still does not have a number).

From GOA email alert:
(June 29, 2000) -- First, gun owners came within an inch of gutting the Clinton & Wesson agreement on Monday night. (See report and action item below) Second, after getting bombarded by thousands of angry activists, Representatives in the House voted on Wednesday morning to leave gun rights activists and groups like Gun Owners of America alone. Three Votes Would Have Made the Difference on Hostettler Provision
Under increasing pressure from the grassroots, nine Congressmen switched
their earlier positions and cast their votes with Rep. John Hostettler (R-IN). His amendment would have prevented the Justice Department from enforcing any part of the Clinton & Wesson agreement, thus effectively
barring the Clinton-Gore administration from unilaterally imposing gun control upon gun makers, gun dealers and gun buyers.
Unfortunately, the Hostettler amendment narrowly failed by a vote of 201-196, partly due to the fact that many pro-gun Congressmen were still out of town and not present for the vote. (Votes taken on Monday will typically see many Representatives absent from the House chambers.) The vote can be found at http://www.gunowners.org/cgv.htm under House (106-2).

Target List: Several Reps. Need to Feel More "Heat" There are slightly more than 50 Congressmen in particular that need to be
taken to the woodshed for casting anti-gun votes. Most of the NO votes against Hostettler's amendment were anti-gun Democrats. But many NO votes were cast by compromising Republicans and supposedly pro-gun Democrats. Partial target list that includes 53 (of the 201) Representatives who cast anti-gun votes AGAINST Hostettler on Monday. These Reps. especially need to
hear from you:
Bereuter(NE) Houghton(NY) Pryce(OH)
Bilbray(CA) Hyde(IL) Quinn(NY)
Boehlert(NY) Isakson(GA) Ramstad(MN)
Castle (DE) Johnson (CT) Rogan(CA)
Davis(VA) Kelly(NY) Ros-Lehtinen(FL)
Diaz-Balart(FL) King(NY) Roukema(NJ)
Dunn(WA) Kuykendall(CA) Saxton(NJ)
Ehlers(MI) LaTourette(OH) Shaw(FL)
Foley(FL) Leach(IA) Shays(CT)
Fossella(NY) LoBiondo(NJ) Simpson(ID)
Franks(NJ) McHugh(NY) Smith(NJ)
Frelinghuysen(NJ) McInnis(CO) Stupak(MI)
Gallegly(CA) Miller(FL) Sweeney(NY)
Ganske(IA) Northup(KY) Tancredo(CO)
Gilchrest(MD) Oberstar(MN) Upton(MI)
Gilman(NY) Obey(WI) Walsh(NY)
Greenwood(PA) Oxley(OH) Weller(IL)
Horn(CA) Porter(IL)

ACTION: Please contact your Representative and ask him to support the Hostettler amendment to the Treasury-Postal bill (which still does not have a number). Your good work has already persuaded nine Reps. to switch their votes. Keep applying the pressure! You can contact your Rep. toll-free at 1-888-449-3511, or you can visit him over the holidays while he is back in
the district. For faxing or emailing, see the Legislative Action Center at www.Gunowners.org <http://www.gunowners.org/activism.htm> on the GOA website.

Dishonorable mention goes to the Crime Subcommittee Chairman Rep. Bill McCollum (R-FL), who missed the Hostettler vote on Monday. Quite frankly, it was probably a good thing he missed it, since he voted against Hostettler last week, thus helping to kill his amendment. (That particular amendment sought to keep the Department of HUD from enforcing the Smith & Wesson

To ensure Rep. McCollum does not continue voting anti-gun, GOA encourages ALL Florida gun owners to contact him over the holidays. Since Rep. McCollum is running for Senate, he would certainly appreciate hearing from ALL Florida gun owners at 202-225-2176.
House Retreats on Forcing Lobby Groups to Hand Over Activists' Names

On Wednesday morning, gun owners dodged a bullet when the House backed away from its plan to force lobby groups like GOA to disclose many, if not all, of its members' names. GOA alerted activists on Monday about the impending vote on H.R. 4717. Subsequently, House members and leaders came under intense grassroots pressure, and thus, formulated a substitute bill (H.R. 4762) that only covered so-called 527 organizations.

Grassroots activists get the credit for shooting down the original bill. "We
just couldn't get it [passed]," said Rep. Amo Houghton, a New York Republican who wrote the bill. "It had too many people with too many pieces that they hated."
Make no mistake. Even the substitute bill sacrifices constitutional freedoms
on the altar of campaign finance reform. H.R. 4762 passed easily since it only covered those political organizations that are formed under Section 527 of the tax code. (There are relatively few 527s in existence.) The 527s are political organizations that primarily affect elections by running issue ads and making political expenditures without advocating the defeat or election of a particular candidate.

H.R. 4762 quickly moved to the Senate where it passed this morning on a 92-6 vote. The bill would force 527s to disclose any contributor who gives more than $200, and to report any expenditure of more than $500. Gun Owners of America will not be affected by the legislation as passed by the House and

----- Pre-written Message -----

Dear Representative:
I was disappointed to see that the Hostettler amendment to H.R. 4690 (the
Commerce-Justice-State bill) failed on June 26. That amendment is desperately needed to rein in an executive department that is out of control. I understand that there will be at least one more opportunity to vote for this amendment since Rep. Hostettler plans to offer it to the Treasury-Postal funding bill.

The Hostettler amendment will prevent the Clinton-Gore administration from enforcing the recent Smith & Wesson agreement. That agreement is not just limited to S & W. This terrible agreement would also regulate and restrict the sales of guns made by Beretta, Browning, Ruger, etc.

Furthermore, the Clinton-Gore administration imposed this gun control upon dealers and gun buyers without the consent of Congress. Since when can the President act like a legislature?

The Clinton administration has no business imposing gun control upon the nation through agreements that are extorted from the gun industry. It is shameful that the administration uses the threat of lawsuits to implement far-reaching gun control agreements.

I hope you will support the Hostettler amendment to the Treasury-Postal funding bill when it comes to the floor. Please let me know what you intend to do. Thank you.


Refuse to be a "helpless" victim.
Knowing Your Rights WAGC in Indiana