Urban Defense: SG or Rifle/Carbine?


New member
I won't pose the question with a scenario. Let's just say that you feel compelled to leave your dwelling to defend a cop, neighbor, or loved one. You feel a long arm is the right tool. In an urban situation, which one would you reach for first, assuming both are at hand?
Even though I love my shotgun, I'm going to have to go with a rifle. Even in the thickest urban environment there are going to be shots out of range for a shotgun.

The only possible exception I can think of is if I was doing primarily building clearing. At across the room distances a shotgun can't be beat.


Anyone worth shooting, is worth shooting twice...
First, off, it HAS to be a long arm. Contrary to what Hollywierd portrays, a sidearm is an emergency weapon, used because one doesn't have a better one at hand.

As highly as I regard my 870s, there's times where they're not the best choice. Anytime the range extends past 25 yards, anytime precision is called for,anytime a lot of pellets is not a good idea, it's time to reach for a rifle.My choice there is a Model 94 Winchester in 30-30 caliber.

However, this scenario is going to be quite rare,relatively speaking.
Scenario: urban defense, likely outside.
At 10 to 20 yards - 000 buck or slugs.
At longer range as in many urban warzones
AR15 or AK47 (those I'm familiar with).
similar assault rifle
HK-91's or G3?

Though the "assault rifle" will draw a lot of fire from the cops, DA's, and liberal media.
Dorcas - at room distances, the pattern spread of most shotgun loads is not that great. Are you implying the pattern fills the room or what?

Stopping power is good. Some folks load slugs in the home shotgun. So what's your thought on this?
It depends on the situation, if I was in my house and needed to go popin fellons I would definately use my shotgun with buckshot simply because the shotgun is far more devistating than a rifle at close ranges. If my truck was getting broken into it would be a tossup between my shotgun and my Mini-14 (I just picked up some exploding tip .223 from http://realammo.com :eek: I don't know how well they work though?)

"Guns don't kill people the government does", Rusty Shackleford.
Mini 14 or AR would do nicely. Many other "assault weapons" would too. (That would be some press coverage I would like to see :) ) Shotguns are good, too. But be careful about the range involved and/or the possibility of overpenetration.

I would have to go with my Bushmaster Dissipator. I can hit moving targets out to 200 yards consistently, and its no slouch at close range either. It will punch body armor also. That is in a go outside looking for trouble scenario. At home I would probably stick with a shotgun.

I was referring to the stopping power of a shotgun at close range, not with the spread at across the room distances. I just think 437gr. of lead beats 55gr. any day of the week.

As far as slugs as the primary load in a HD shotgun, I have mixed feelings. Obviously slugs have the stopping power of a shotgun without sacrificing range like shot. However slugs have a few drawbacks the main one being overpenetration. My HD shotgun has 3 round of buck followed by 2 slugs.

Finally as I stated above, I think a rifle is superior in most non home defense cases. At 200 yards the holdover for a slug is measured in feet. In the house I want a shotgun, but if I'm venturing outside I want a rifle.


Anyone worth shooting, is worth shooting twice...
BTW, I wish this topic was in the General forum. I find this topic fascinating and it would get alot more exposure there (hint hint moderator). :)


Anyone worth shooting, is worth shooting twice...
I usually have two rounds of Federal Tactical 00, maybe three and then the rest with tactical slugs.

Hopefully, I never have to test the utility of this pattern.

The shotgun is the safe room artillery though.
"Popin felons" inside your house is one thing. Some guy breaking into your truck hardly constitutes any immediate danger to you or your family. So I don't think shooting said guy would be legal or ethical. This is the kind of stuff antis love. A shotgun blast in the air in town probably isn't legal either, but would get better results than shooting the guy.

As to the original question:

More details would need to be known in order to make a proper choice of weapons. A shotgun is a mighty scary thing to be looking down the wrong end of, even at 50 yards or so. Of course if I'm trying to save a cop at 200 yards I'd rather have my .270.

bullet placement is gun control
I'm sorry did I say popin fellons I meant butt stroke.

"Guns don't kill people the government does", Rusty Shackleford.
yeah running outside to "save a neighbor" might land you in the pokey...

But I still beleive that most people KNOW what a shotgun is.. as compared to some of the rifles I own. Personally.. I'm not sure I could IDENTIFY a problem that was occuring outside "shotgun" range.

Use your brains first, then your guns.

Good point Dr.Rob, the situation must be an obvious G/G-B/G confrontation or you'd best stay out of it. Might get yourself shot in the process.

"popin felons" inside your own house is a good thing. ;)

bullet placement is gun control
My situation is this; I live in a rural area, six miles from town, remote part of the county. I HAVE had to place a 911 call "shots fired, send everyone!" in the past. Response was timed at 42 minutes. Everyone in the county showed up, but it was still 42 minutes. I don't choose between firearms......my drill is this; the door is ALWAYS answered after dark with my handgun.
People in the yard elicit a response with my shotgun. From the yard to my front gate is 300 yards line of sight....outside the immediate surroundings of the dwelling the rifle comes out. All three weapon types work in conjunction; I've never carried ANY other weapon without also being in controlled possession of my handgun.

Either learn to hit what you aim at, or take track lessons.
Seriously folks I was just kidding, I wouldn't shoot unless my life or the life of anyone else was in danger. :o
Your brain is the most dangerous weapon in the world. :) Use your head.

(I just love saying "popin criminals" kind of catchy :rolleyes: )

[This message has been edited by jnix (edited February 23, 2000).]
Can I take two guns? CAR-15 in .223 in hand with Remington 870 slung over my shoulder as back up? Hate to lose a gun fight for lack of armament.