Urban camo silly?

I just watched a program on the History Channel about the evolution of camo for the military. They talked about successes and failures in camo designs. They highlighted experiments done by the Marine Corps do develop a computer generated camo pattern. What they developed was a rip-off of the German Flecktar pattern!!!

Anyway, they discussed that Vietnam tiger stripe camo was more of a fashion statement for elite troops because the dyes faded in the sun and they actually stuck out more compared to dirty olive drab tropical uniforms.

Speaking of sticking out more, the gray, light gray and black shades of the Woodland/Urban pattern that is supposed to be an urban concealment aide is plain stupid. It makes you stick out like a sore thumb. Maybe it is a confidence builder for SWAT or SERT teams, but I just don't see how it is an effective pattern. Why not just issue a dull gray to match most shades of concrete for BDUs. Then use black web and tactical gear and use proper tactics?
Actually, the MARPAT digital camoflague has more in common with the Canadain CADPAT than the German Flektarn. If you'd like to get a close look at all three, and some others, take a look at www.mcaroy.com. As far as Urban Camoflague, I'm not aware of that many tac-teams that actually use it. Most seem to find that standard old US Woodland works fine, even in urban environments.
the best 'urban camo' is what the other guys are wearing. Jeans, tee shirts, ball caps. Blend right in with the population. Nothing out of the ordinary.
Yeech! That MARPAT camo looks like a computer barfed all over it.

Wearing "urban camo" is all the rage right now, so people (especially younger folks) can get away with wearing it and not really get noticed. Funky blue and purple seems to be popular.
When I first started seeing "urban camo" advertised, I HONESTLY thought it was done tongue-in-cheek. You know like "this is a camo pattern that really isn't camouflage at all..." The joke was on me, though...
Here's my vote for best use of Urban Camo. :D :cool: :D :cool:

Utilikilts are awesome!


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The subdued urban pattern actually disappears quite nicely in the snow during low-light. The regular pattern works too. You guys are thinking everyday urban, get a picture of WWII Bastogne, Berlin, or Stalingrad. The square miles of rubble is what urban seeks to blend with. Especially in the snow and rubble.
as silly as the new marine camo looks, it really works in a woodland enviornment. it breaks up the human outline MUCH better than the standard woodland cammies.
Yep, the MARPAT and CADPAT are supposed to be the ticket on the camo scene. The private-party designed Stalker series (Jungle Stalker, Mountain Stalker, Urban Stalker, etc) is also supposed to be very functional.
So I take it I should crapcan the Urban Skunk camo uniform project? It's basically a black pajama with a white stripe down the back. If you go prone in the middle of the street at night, no one will see you....
Urban camo? It can be silly. It blends with nothing in my neighborhood.

Have y'all ever noticed the number of folks that decide they are going on a shooting rampage, such as at their place of work, and the show up in green fatigues or some jungle camo pattern? I guess somehow the uniform makes them feel like they are more in character for the job they are trying to accomplish. However, it seems to me that they should spend a little more time and effort and find some sort of camo clothing that would blend them in with the office environment - something that would make them look like a file cabinet, work station, or the like.

For urban camo where I live, some outfit with grass green lets and a top resembling a pink/red brick wall would work pretty well.

Skunk, are you working on any such products?
So I take it I should crapcan the Urban Skunk camo uniform project? It's basically a black pajama with a white stripe down the back. If you go prone in the middle of the street at night, no one will see you....
We all look forward to you field testing this... :D
It's basically a black pajama with a white stripe down the back. If you go prone in the middle of the street at night, no one will see you

Two guys in a pickup drive down the road.
"What was that, a speedbump?"
"Dunno, I didn't see nuthin'."
My last agency here in FL purchased everyone URBAN camo BDU's to use for training.......and we all hated it! Someone thought it would be a good idea because it was cheap (go figure) To make matters worse they choose the URBAN camo that had white in the pattern,most of us just picked up a more practical and more professional black or OD. In fact most of your SWAT/SRT teams here in FL are getting away from black and using the OD since during the day the OD gives you better concelment than black,while still being dark enough to use at night. The OD BDU's are actually closer to the standard dark green that almost all of the sheriffs depts here wear.

I recently saw in some cataloge a hole bunch of "camo" patterns including " Rastaflauge" might be good for a Reggae concert but not much else.
Last year, at a class I took one of the other students was a trainer at a very large Sherrif's Dept. in CA. He said that their SWAT team uses plain olive drab. At night, he said the OD seems to blend in better than black. Too much contrast with the black.
Depends on the area and condition of the "urban".

If the burg hasn't been bombed or shelled,...
Mannlicher and KSF got it right.

The "professional" looking swat gear makes one look like a professional shooter......from a long ways away. As does the military stuff.
