Upswept hammer for Uberti?

John in AR

{First, I'm a very-rare poster here (less than 20 posts in 8 years) so if I seem a noob, pardon my noobness. :o }

Are there any sources for a slightly-upswept hammer that will fit the Uberti SA's?

Looking for one that is upswept & munden-esque. Something along these lines:

although I could totally do without the flowerdy grips..

Am really NOT looking for one of these fanning-only paddle hammers:

After recently handling a Uberti El Patron, I'm planning to pick one up in the next few weeks and would like to make this one change, ideally as close to drop-in as possible.

Thanks in advance.
You could take the existing hammer out of the gun, wrap all but the ear in a wet paper towel, (as a heat sink to preserve the hardness in the hammer face etc), and with a O/A torch, quickly heat the thumb piece to a dull red then bend it where you want it. I'd then let it air cool as it won't be under enough pressure to un-bend in it's now annealed state.