Upgrade to NRA Lifetime membership?


New member
Anyone else thinking of taking advantage of NRA's offer to upgrade your membership at a discounted price? I am thinking seriously of jumping from a 3/5 year level to lifetime with the present discount offer. I also am seriously considering not renewing my Republican National Committee membership. I already have refused any more donations to the Republican Congressional Committee. I figure my money is better spent with NRA, specific canadates I want to support for office, and a couple missionaries who are more deserving of my $$$. What do you think?
gunpowder, It is a good year to let the RNC squirm. Don't just ignore their requests, tell them specifically why you shut off the tap.(I have some good explainations) You should use your own. Support the locals and the national candidates who fully support your values. Work your state reps hard. Harder than you think you can get away with and not be rude. Be rude if necessary. Wear em out. They work for you and are overpaid! NRA great. Look into some others also. Help put the little guys on the map. Good luck and I hope I'm right. I practice what I preach anyway.
"Shut the tap"

I like that concise phrase.

NRA, GOA, JPFO, SAF....anyone on our side is better than the quisling RNC

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
What discount rate?! Haven't heard & please fill us in. I'm about $200 bucks away from the (cheap) $750 lifer deal. If it's cheaper than what I got in now, I wanna refund or a straight shot.

Inquiring minds, etc.

we gladly feast on those who would subdue us
I believe this offer is for current members only. The offer came with my new millenium card. They are discounting all renewal levels for current members and discounting new family and relatives of current members.

Prices are 1year-$30 normally $35, 2years-55 normally 60, 3years $75 normally $85, and Life membership is $425 instead of $750! You also get a bunch of goodies but must reply by postmarked date of January 15, 2000. Family members and relatives are $20 for new signups.

I have been waiting for a program like this. Looks like a good Christmas gift for me.
The lifetime offer I got was for $500 something. I only recently joined the NRA, and I'm not sure I want to stay with them. I decided to join GOA instead of the life member deal.
Well, I have major heartburn with the current NRA (Lifer since 1956) and nearly passed on a $150 upgrade to Endowment.

I was p!$$ed at them for their El Foldo in Pennsylvania re: trigger locks and their "it doesn't project a good image" whining over an Illinois Republican primary contender raffling firearms.

That being said, however, check out

for another biased anti-gun/NRA article. The title says it all "NRA winning gun fight".
Maybe I'm missing the forest for the trees as it sure doesn't look like we're winning all that much -- we're lucky to tread water..

Take the bucks you were sending to the RNC and invest it in any of the pro-gun groups, starting with the NRA. A good second choice would be the Second Amendment Foundation which is counter-attacking instead of just reacting. Ask any of these outfits "Don't tell me what anti-gun legislation you've stopped, tell me which PRO-gun legislation you've passed".

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
I hope all of you have written and continue to wrote your representatives. You talk about the other groups of which I never see any coverage in the press except for GOA. The NRA ,although not perfect, turns heads in Congress. Even my state rep. said "You can't go against the NRA". Just think if the NRA membership increased by double or triple. They would hold even more power and they might become more proactive. It is a balancing act trying to defend our rights with out being protrayed as extremist by the middle. Although I am not for any restrictions, trigger locks are perceived as being basic safety steps by the middle and if we loose them we loose the battle. I believe that a majority of gun owners most of who are not NRA members feel locks are acceptable. Do we alienate our own and stand on principle or accept "common sense" (not my words)laws that keeps us in position to fight the larger issues. That is the basic question of which I have not come to a conclusion with.