Upcoming Buy Back


New member
We all know that congress is trying to and probably will pass regulations on private sales at "gun shows." Yet I've heard the SCLC is sponsoring a gun buy back this week in Atlanta. Do you think they will follow the same rules their D.C. buddies are trying to pawn off on the rest of us? Of course I'm sure everyone in the SCLC would do fine on a backgroung check...
If they are doing a gun by-back, you should go! It's hillarious!
They've tried two in Memphis and both were a total bust. In the first they offered $75 worth of grocery and gas gift certificates for your gun. I gave a co-worker $10 for a RG .22 revolver and traded it for $75 worth of food and gas. BTW: that RG was one of the better guns they got! Everything that got turned in was nothing but junk. Not one single gun would have sold for $75.
In the second trade-in they took in a grand total of 24 guns while the gun show on the other side of the parking lot had over 5000 visitors.
I like gun buy-backs. It's a great way to get rid of junk you can't otherwise sell, trade or just throw away. ;)

Any kind of limitations on how that $75 is spent on groceries? Meaning, can you get it all in meat? :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Nope, anything in the store. It was a regular gift certificate. This was a couple years ago. It was $50 groceries and $25 gas.
Kroger was the grocery store and later realized they goofed. Kroger is now a major sponser of the Ducks Unlimited Outdoor Festival. Some companies do learn.

Serveral people, including me, had cash on hand to buy any decent guns from the crowd. I didn't buy any. Like I said, it was nothing but junk. Lots of RGs, Jennings and such. Anything from a good company was too damaged, worn out or wasted to be salvaged. It was a running joke through the crowd about how most of us had real guns at home and how bad this effort was getting screwed. We really enjoyed taking their money!
That is the Government using our tax dollars wisely. At least some of us can get a little of our tax money back. I read a story somewhere about a buy back and they recovered several stolen guns. They did not prosicute and would not give the guns back to the rightful owners. At least those are off the street.

Blue Skies,
