Unusual Sauer and Sons shotgun


A LGS has a 1943 dated SxS with Nazi markings. It has a modified butt stock, a raised comb is grafted on to it but it uses the stock butt plate. The shop owner thinks it was used to train anti-aircraft gunners in leading the target. It is a 12 gauge 70mm shotgun and is in good condition. I am wondering if anyone on this forum might have any knowledge of these things. I have scoured the interweb with no results. The shop owner will be researching it before putting a price on it, military history is a speciality of his.
Well, the USA used skeet shooting to teach aircraft and antiaircraft gunners the concept of lead, but the guns were standard.

Show pictures.
And buy the gun, not the story.
I am familiar with the US training gunners with shotguns, my Dad, a WWII Navy fighter pilot told me about that. The pilots shot skeet on board ship, he didn't mention AA gunners but I assume they did too.

I'll go back to the shop today and get pics, my business there yesterday was a minty S&W 15-3. I need to get conversant with Photobucket. I'm interested in the Sauer, I collect the unusual and old. I look forward to more responses.