Unsafe Galco holster?


New member
Based on the pictures in their catalog and website, I bought a Galco Silhouette (SIL126) for my 3" N frames (two .44 Magnums and a .45ACP). It arrived today, and to my great surprise and disappointment, it leaves a completely uncovered trigger. No picture in their catalog or website shows an uncovered trigger with any holster they sell, modeled with either a sem-auto or revolver.

I sent Galco a pretty irate email, because I think I was mislead. I never like wasting $70.00, of course, but I also think this is a patently unsafe design for any use I can think of, and certainly for any use by me. From a liability standpoint, I'm surprised they would sell a product like this; sooner or later, someone in a hurry is going to pull a heavy gun from this holster by the trigger.

I have no idea whether Galco will respond, but if they do, it will be interesting to see what they have to say about this. If I'm the one who's off-base here, please let me know.
They must have made some kind of mistake. The picture on their website clearly shows that the trigger guard is completely covered.

I would give them a call, not just email, and figure out what's going on.

Good luck.
Akrob, I took your advice and called Galco and left a message. A woman (didn't write down her name) called me back and was very apologetic. She said the catalog is misleading and will be fixed. She also said that at least one LEA had ordered a bunch of that holster and returned them all for this same reason. She knows the folks at the place I ordered it from and volunteered to call them to help with any refund. So, bad product, but very good customer service.

I'm not going to return it. For not much more than mailing costs, I'll have a leather shop sew on a flap to cover the trigger. It's also very hard to find any holster for a 3" N frame.
For future refrences try the Fist holsters. They are stand up guys and make a great product and stand behind it. These are totally hand made and dyed. I just got one for my sig 2340 and it fits like a glove with great trigger coverage. Check em out at...

P.S. I dont get anything for this. I simply love the product. It took almost 3 weeks to get to me. But for a hand made holster i guess thats expected.

TIM : )