UN's Annan refers to Gore as "Mr. President"


Moderator Emeritus
Annan Calls Gore 'Mr. President'
.c The Associated Press

UNITED NATIONS (AP) - Secretary-General Kofi Annan on Monday gave an
endorsement of sorts to <A HREF="aol://4344:3167.gorenews.21057746.618183972">
Vice President Al Gore</A>'s presidential ambitions.

The moment came as Annan began his speech to the Security Council on the
problem of AIDS in Africa. Gore was chairing the meeting, the first of the
U.S. presidency of the Security Council.

``Thank you Mr. Vice President, or perhaps I should say Mr. President,''
Annan said after Gore's opening remarks.

The remark sparked an outbreak of laughter and applause in the council
chambers before the secretary-general added, after a long delay, ``of the
Security Council.''

Gore replied with a grin: ``I'm working on it.''

U.S. Ambassador Richard Holbrooke, who has assumed the rotating presidency of
the Security Council for January, invited the Democratic presidential
candidate to kick off the opening event Monday on the impact of the AIDS
epidemic on peace and security in Africa.

The meeting marks the first time a health issue has been discussed by the
Security Council and the first time an American vice president has presided
over the council.

AP-NY-01-10-00 1356EST

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
He probably knows something we don't.

Health issues are also Security issues? I guess it makes sense when you consider this is the same kind of thinking that leads the Center for Disease Control to come out against guns.

Time to get out of the United Nations and leave them to thier own devices.

[This message has been edited by Jack 99 (edited January 10, 2000).]
It may be wishful thinking on Annan's part, but when last I looked, Gore hadn't been nominated by his party, and he may not be, let alone elected to the office.
I suppose Annan is used to dealing with heads of state who don't have to meddle with democracy, so that their successors are a lock.
It may not have been as bad as it sounds. I believe Al Gore was the acting President of the SC today. So that is probably what Annan was referring to just as when Gore is presiding over the Senate he is called Mr. President.

Well, there I go again. Reading the first part of a post and then posting. I see that there was a pause between "Mr. President" and "of the Security Council". Yes, it was as bad as it sounded.

[This message has been edited by Mal H (edited January 10, 2000).]
Kofi is just another socialist from some pathetic African country that is living in abject poverty, and like Billary said: " I'm going to do for the world what I've done for Africa"! He's sure working on it.
I believe that we shouldn't get out of the U.N. I think what we need to do is forbid our troops from serving under a U.N. Flag or Commander. State that as a permanent member of the security council, we will nolonger pay dues in excess of Russia ( an economy about the size of Finland ), and present the United Nations with a bill for Kosovo, Bosnia, Somalia and desert storm. That oughta fix em. To withdraw is a mistake. It is far better to inflict a slow and painful death on the organization if possible. The U.N. has a charter that was a good idea. Just like we HAD a Constitution, and a bill of Rights that was a good idea. Both have been overlooked and both governments are becomming despots. Don't despair, the end of this generation's crop of tyrants is comming to a swift and screeching halt before much longer!