Unrestricted LTC in Massachusetts


I got a job offer in Cambridge, Mass. I know mASS has bad gun laws but it's a wicked good career opportunity. What towns near Boston issue a LTC for all lawful purposes to people who don't sleep with a Kennedy? I read that packing.org had a map ranking cities by ability to get an unrestricted LTC but the site is dead. Alternately, it feasible to live in New Hampshire and commute? Can a single woman get a non-resident MA LTC?

Thank you for any on-topic advice.
Lots and lots and lots of people live in NH and commute to MA. You'd have to get a temporary nonresident LTC to carry in MA, which is may-issue and $100 per year. At home in NH, you can own anything you want, no "FOID" at all, and your at-home handguns and rifles can have magazines of any capacity you wish. :) You can have black rifles with all evil features, NFA, AOW, and any manufacturer of gun you want. CCW is a $10 shall-issue. If, on the other hand, you live in MA, you're not only limited by the may-possibly-issue LTC, but you can only buy guns on the state approved list. That means no Taurus, no pocket Kel-tecs, no new Glocks, and no new lots of other things. And no capacity over 10rds. Ever.

NH is unlikely to lose its gun freedoms anytime soon. The Democrat legislature is likely to be out on the curb next election due to their usual tricks of raising taxes and shoving a social agenda in everyone's faces, everyone's disgusted.

The only drawback is a somewhat long commute. It's less than 30 miles from the border cities to Boston, but I-93 has horrendous traffic because it's too small for the volume it carries. Stupid enviro-nuts have blocked any widening effort for decades. Nashua/Hollis/Hudson/Amherst allows access at a slightly longer distance via Route 3, which is much wider, but intersects I-95/Rt 128 in MA to get into the city, and that's where traffic fun starts. Rt 2 from there into Cambridge is like driving on the surface of the moon, I have no idea why MA can't afford to repave a damned road, if Patrick has so much budget that he wants to give drivers' licenses and tuition to illegals...

BTW, a salary in Cambridge might sound nice, but keep in mind that a tiny hole of a studio apartment will run you at least $2000 a month in that area. Cost of living there is insane, and some of Boston's other suburbs, like Dorchester, Roxbury and Mattapan are literal freefire zones for gangs.

You might also want to consider MA's future. Deval Patrick, the governor, seems to have shoved the socialism throttle to its furthest forward position almost as soon as he took office. If he gets his way, the state will be a haven for illegals, and they already have a serious problem in Boston with MS-13 and other violent South American gangs.
Thanks! That northeastshooters.com thread was the kind of thing I was looking for.

I understand the situation in MAss is bleak and I wasn't thinking of relocating permanently. It would be a good career stepping stone. Even if I had to limit myself for to my 642 and a pump shotgun, I could probably tolerate that for a few years, as long as I could carry my 642. Otherwise the risk is unacceptable.