Universal M1 Carbine??


New member
Is or was a Universal M1 Carbine a quality Piece? It's stamped Universal M1, Hileah FLA. I have a chance to pick this one up just doing my homework. Thanks in advance

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Early ones were mostly G.I., but as surplus parts dried up, Universal started designing and making their own parts, often deviating from G.I. specs for the sake of saving money, and the reputation of the later guns is poor.

I've seen a website with serial number rangess for "1st generation", "2nd generation", etc., with the first gen being most-G.I.
I recently shot a friend's Universal carbine. I was completely unimpressed with its functioning (a lot of jam ups) as well as its inacurracy. Even at 50 yards the rifle would not consistently shoot within 2 inches.

Just my limited experience with the Universal.

I compare the Universal with an Iver Johnson carbine I was gifted sometime ago. It's very accurate and smooth functioning...

"...Early ones were mostly G.I..." Only 8,000 of those made before Universal thought they could improve the design. They didn't.
Late model Universals have a poorly made, stamped, op handle that has a tendency to break. Replacement's were only available from Gunparts. Currently out of stock and nobody makes 'em. Friggin' things started at $70 too.
Wouldn't touch a Universal myself. Even though a buddy of mine had one years ago that gave him no trouble. (Before our idiot government declared 'em evil in 1978.)
"...quality Piece?..." No.
Don't think they fall under the C&R thing either. Dunno for sure. No such thing up here.
I've heard a lot of bad about them but I've got one my dad bought new in 69 and it's not one with GI parts. It has double operating rods and a stamped charging handle. I put thousands of rounds through it and all I did was polish the feed ramp. before I did that it would only feed hardball, now it feeds anything and it works great with 30 round mags.
Thanks alot guys for the responses. I think I'll pass on this one. Are any of the new M1 Carbines any good? Or which ones should I look for? I'm gonna have me one of these.

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As usual, name a brand of new M1 Carbine and some people will love it, others will call it total junk.

Among the new production Carbines are Auto Ordnance (Kahr Arms) cast steel receiver, MKS-Inland cast steel, James River Armory machined from billet.

There are still probably new Carbines around that were made by various companies in the recent past and are out of business.

If you can afford it, the way to go is with the Fulton Armory model.
Fulton uses original forged USGI Carbine receivers with a mix of original GI and newly made parts.
Today’s receiver casting process is very well perfected..Ruger casts just about everything..I have fired Kahr ( Auto Ordnance) Carbines and they looked and functioned just fine. I was not interested in buying one as I have collected Carbines for over fifty years and have no trouble finding an original to shoot.
The reproductions with forged or billet receivers are great but expensive and you will never wear out one of the AO or Inland Carbines.
For the prices they are commanding, I'm thinking I will get a new one. I would much rather have a fresh barrel. It will be a shooter and occasionally carried to the deer woods. They are so light and handy. I love the way they shoulder.

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If you are going to buy a new one, buy an AutoOrdnance M1 Carbine. They are a little tight and may hang up a few times when you first get them, but a few hundred rounds and they will be chugging along just fine.
Friends don't let friends buy either Universal or Plainfield. Be careful with IAI too. While better made, I had to restake the gas piston housing on one, discard the crooked rear sight on it too.
Thank you guys for all the advice I'm looking at Inland? Auto Ord. and Fulton Armory. Just gotta deepen the pocket a bit and she will be mine. Any one ever take a deer with one? Where I hunt in their living room I may shot to 50 yards max. And if so what is your preference on ammo?

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"...Friends don't let friends buy either Universal or Plainfield..." Universals, yes, but not Plainfields.Unless the thing was made during the IJ years. Or has been abused. My original Plainfield Machine Co. has had nothing whatever don't to it in 40 years except bathing.
"...take a deer with one..." Under 100 yards with either a 110 grain SP or HP with IMR4227. And you'll still get arguments from people who think nothing of using a .357 lever action, but think the .30 Carbine is too light.
A Speer 110 grain HP with 14.5 grains of IMR4227(current Max load) runs at about 1800 + FPS(Hodgdon tested with a 20" barrel) will blow a hole the size of a grapefruit in a ground hog. Wouldn't think twice about using it for deer.
Thanks T. I'll have to get the dies. Some folks think you need the latest and greatest super duper super short ultra magnum blaster to kill a little ole whitetail under 100 yards. Smh

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30 Carbine wouldn't be my first choice for deer, but inside 100 yds it will kill one if you put it in the right spot. The 30 Carbine was basically a reiteration of the older 32-20, which was considered an adequate deer cartridge within about 100 yds, so it would be foolish to say the 30 Carbine wouldn't be able to do the same. Just keep in mind that the modest velocity and light bullet do not make for a great penetrator, so shoot for the ribs or pass on the shot.