universal decpping die recommendtions?


New member
Hey, I have, and have been using the lee universal decapping die for a number of years now.

I currently load for 9mm, 38spl, 357 mag, 223, and 30-06. I generally run 1000 casing at a time or more before wet tumbling for pistol. I'm looking for something that is a bit easier to use and a bit more robust. I really don like compression method they use to hold the pin in place and I feel the pins are too soft. I looked at upgraded hardened pins, but for the money I'm half way to a new die and figured I'd see what's out there.
I use the Lee Universal Decapper mostly for 223 & had issues with the pin bending & ultimately breaking, same with the Lee replacement. I bought a ten pack of new pins (don't know if they're Squirrel Daddy's) & I've been on the first pin out of the pack for a long time with close to 1000 decaps without a problem-definitely try a new pin supplier before moving on.
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You're not going to like this, because its not a die, but a hand tool, but the Lee decapping punch and base set is virtually indestructible, and inexpensive.

Its more labor intensive than a die, but its also more versatile. Get two sets, one with the .30 caliber punch size and the other with the .22 cal size. Not only will they decap virtually every commercial boxer primed case and military case (shorter than .50BMG) but they give you a "feel" you don't get from a decapping die.

You feel the punch pin go into the flash hole. This tells you about it, with a bit of practice, you can feel if its off center, if there are burrs or anything else that might be "off". Plus with .22 and .30 cases the decapping rod can be used to "return to round" any bent of flattened case mouths you might run across.

Also can be done about Anywhere, the only needed accessories are a hammer, and a firm surface. They are impossible to wear out, and if you do manage to break it, Lee will send you another for free.

I use them for decapping GI brass the first time, no worries about off center flash holes and crimped in primers breaking the pin, they are hell for stout, plus, I get the pleasure of hitting something! :D

Slow, but 100% effective and cheap. While the head of the punch (where I hit it with a hammer) has flared a little, I've been using it since the 70s and its still good as new, functionally.

The other "benefit" to the slow laborious hand depriming method is that you have plenty of opportunity to inspect each case, and separate any of them that are "off normal".

Sometimes I do it just because I enjoy doing it, otherwise, I use the punch first time on "new" fired brass, and afterwards usually use the decapper in the regular sizer die after that.

I don't have a universal decapper die, never found the need for one.
44 AMP

I like the idea of the universal hand tools and they are cheap. I will be adding them to my tool box as a backup. But want a die for general use.
Have had a Lyman Universal Decapping Die for about 35 years. Never broke a pin with it, and for several years I was processing brass commercially, decapping thousands each month.

i have been using an RCBS decapper die for at least 30 years..dont think i have ever broken the pin...lol....and it has seen a lot of decapping

back in the glory days i was shooting somewhere every weekend.. rifle, pistol,combat,cowboy,long range,bench, didnt matter..i wet tumble so it has seen thousands of spent primers

I can’t imagine there’s a D capping die much better than the Lee . Better and someways sure but significantly I doubt it . I’ve literally Decap thousands with a capital S with the Lee universal die . I have broke three pins or more specifically the little pokey part of the pin . Every single one that broke was broke due to obstruction in the case or a flash hole that was off center . Maybe they’re out there but it seems unlikely any other D-capping die won’t have the same problem if there’s an obstruction in the case or the flash holes are off-center .

That all said I am interested in hearing what others suggest because I’m always open to something better , quicker .
I decap my brass when I resize it. Saves a step and it's free.
I want to keep dirt out of my dies. Thus they get cleaned first. And wet tumbling I prefer to decap first since they dry a lot faster. Some of the range pickup and once fired I get is filthy.
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Some of the range pickup I get is filthy

Not only that but even my stuff hits the ground and can get stuff inside . One of the broken decapping pins was from a 22lr case inside a 223 or 308 case I missed . When I'm having a plnking/blasting day at the range . All my brass hits the ground and swept up later and put in a bucket . All kinds of contaminates can be introduced in that situation .
Been using a Lee Universal for about 5 years now. Zero pins busted, thousands (several) of pieces of brass de primed before getting washed. Use it on everything from .32acp to 300 WM.