Univ. of Kansas Prof wearing bullet proof vest

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To protest the new law allowing concealed carry on campus University of Kansas professor Kevin Willmott is wearing a bullet proof vest.



Willmott is famous for being the writer/director of the movie ‘C.S.A. Confederate States of America’ a ‘mockumentary’ of what life in the U.S. would be like today if the South had won the Civil War.

I found the comments section to the story in the Washington Post interesting. There are about 500 comments and about 200 of them are:
‘I don’t want to sit in class next to someone that might be carrying a gun.’
and about 200 from someone using the name ‘Loosedhorse’ saying (essentially)
‘You might ALREADY be sitting next to someone carrying a gun, but now it could be someone legally carrying the gun---the bad guys don’t follow laws.’

It gets repetitious.

This one guy, ‘Loosedhorse’ is about the only one posting in favor of the law but he (or she) is pretty much taking on all comers.

In the comment section it has been stated (and no one has disputed this) that on campus you must carry with the safety on (if the gun has a safety) and the chamber, for semi-autos empty. For revolvers you have to have the hammer on an empty chamber.

MOre examples of gun ignorance from academia and lawmakers.

Ballistic vests are essentially bullet resistant, not bullet proof.

Carrying a revolver with the hammer resting on an empty chamber is unnecessary with a modern DA revolver and accomplishes nothing except reducing your ammo count.....it's not 1873 anymore.

Even the military did not carry the 1911 auto with an empty chamber and safety on (thus cocked) since it's introduction predating WW-I.

Clearly, those folks are more fearful of a lawful, capable individual with a gun, than they are of the possibility of demented or terroristic threat appearing on campus.
It's tedious and boring virtue signaling. It's important to Willmott that he be seen "making a statement," but doing actual political activism is hard, so he'll do a low-effort stunt like this.

After a few days, he'll realize that the vest is heavy, hot, and it wrinkles his shirts. He'll say, "well, I've made my statement" and stop wearing it. Then he'll move on to some other cause of the week, like protesting the lack of free-range gluten-free vegan alternatives on the cafeteria menu and how those equate to oppression.

No clear point will be made, and nobody's mind will be changed. What matters to Willmott is that he got some free publicity with a minimum of effort.

It's really the flip-side of all those folks who were openly carrying rifles in Starbucks a couple of years back.
If I had gone to class and seen one of my professors wearing a "bulletproof vest" I would probably have dropped the class if possible because it would make me question his motives, intellect, and most of all his rationality. But I went to a tech school when I was younger and the university after I turned 26 and was pretty much secure in my politics.
No clear point will be made, and nobody's mind will be changed. What matters to Willmott is that he got some free publicity with a minimum of effort.
Actually, people can and do change their minds but it will take some terrible tragedy to do it. I guarantee that more then a few people on that campus would change their minds about concealed carry if they suffered a mass shooting ala Virginia Tech.

This is what we all work to avoid but sadly most people never learn until it becomes personal.
I've always been puzzled why universities believe their students will get so infuriated about someone with opposing opinions that they will be driven to commit acts of violence.
I've always been puzzled why universities believe their students will get so infuriated about someone with opposing opinions that they will be driven to commit acts of violence.

If you didn't live through the 60s and 70s, I suggest you do some research about the "peaceful" protests, campus take overs and BOMBINGS done by radical students during those years.

That MIGHT be why universities are "gun shy" about weapons...I certainly think it could be a factor, ALONG WITH their elitist political mindset.

Some of those teaching today WERE the violent activists back then.
There were two months or so of protests at the University of Colorado Boulder when the state decided that carry was legal on campus. I never had any issues with professors, however my adviser had an illegal sign on his door saying that carrying was illegal in his office. I asked him if he would rather me leave my pistol unsecured in my vehicle, and also asked him to turn the upside down flag in his office upright...... I switched majors.
If you didn't live through the 60s and 70s, I suggest you do some research about the "peaceful" protests, campus take overs and BOMBINGS done by radical students during those years
No sir, I was still pottytraining in the late 1970s.
Well, it's nice that he's such a fine upstanding citizen to warn his students of potential danger.
Now, if he takes his helmet off when he gets in his car and drives home.... I'm going to round-file his statement under "hypocricy."
College professors are.............................college professors. No idea how the real world is and don't want to know, they already know all.........................................
I hope he enjoys wearing the vest. My guess is it won't last long.

(And advertising a particular defensive measure just alerts a dedicated attacker to take a different route.)
Some of those teaching today WERE the violent activists back then.
& I'd bet good money most of them still have their SDS signs stashed away some place....along with their half burned draft cards & some envelopes that bear their address in Canada (where they fled to escape the draft).
He is wearing the vest to get people talking about guns on campus, not because he is afraid of being shot. It is working, he has us talking about him. The more we do so, the more he is successful. The best way to defeat people like this is to ignore them.
A great lot of the current academic elites were schooled by the 60's hippy counter culture elites that grew up and became professors so they could " make a difference" and what a difference they did make. Education has suffered greatly.

The leader of the Weathermen gang, Bill Ayres, got his creds. and became dean of education or some potentate title at the Univ. of Chicago. He took his main squeeze Bernadine Dorn with him and they were great friends with big O. In fact he wrote O's. book. To show what a great guy he was G.W. Bush pardoned them for the miss step of murdering a police officer and bombing the pentagon.

The people we All vote for made this mess while we were enjoying our corn flakes and paying little attention to their foibles. We had better wake up and run the lot of bad apples off like McConnell, Cornyn, McCain, Graham and the other more prominent RYNOs.

For what it's worth there are legions of greatly qualified minorities that would make great elected officials. Somehow we keep choosing the ones that are most likely to destroy our culture. One must wonder if it is a latent death wish or what?

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