Unique Rifle Recipes

Good morning all,

I've been experimenting with my Marlin CB 45-70. One such experiment has lead me to trying 15gr of Unique under a 300gr Buffalo #3 from Missouri Bullet Company with a tissue filler and a large rifle primer. I read of this load somewhere on this forum a few months back.
I realize that this is not the most practical combination. The purpose of underloading this cartridge is to give my wife something to shoot out of the only rifle she seems to love. I call that a victory, so I do not ask further questions.
The cartridge is pleasant to shoot and is very accurate within reason, (no farther than 100 yards.) However, I do not have a chronograph and I've yet to use this recipe in the field, nor do I have enough experience with loads not in the manual to know if this is safe to shoot at medium size game. I'd like your opinions on whether or not it is responsible to attempt taking whitetail with it so that my wife has something to use.
DISCLAIMER: I understand that there are better options out there for her as far as rifles and cartridges are concerned, but this is what she wants to use, and I am just glad to have her interested in the first place, as I am sure many of you can understand.
Thanks in advance for your contribution.
kinda sounds like a high performance 45 colt load. with that 300gr bullet behind it should penetrate well. in a accurate rifle to boot. should be great. jmho. bob
I have two 45-70s, one a 1876 made trapdoor springfield, the other a modern Browning copy of the Model 1895 Winchester High Wall. The later is rated for the hotest 45-70 rounds which I dont shoot.

I like Unique, its an excellent powder for both handgun and cast bullets in rifles, but I like something that fills the case better. I found Unique for some weird reason isnt as critical as most fast burning powder as it isnt picky where it lays in the case. But in reality there is no one powder that fits all.

I duplicate the original Army 45-70 405 gr load (which is actually a 45-55) with 29 grs of 4198. Accurate, easy on the shoulder even with steel butt plates. It mates up with the Buffington sights on my Trapdoor. My young granddaughter can shoot it all day, and does. (need to her to start reloading.

5744 is another excellent powder for large capacity rifle loads which also fills the case without having to add filler.
I think 14grs of Unique is the standard for 400gr lead bullets so your load for a 300gr bullet should be fine. I have never bought any but Trail Boss is supposed to be good for reduced loads and is bulky and fills the case.

I had a 45/70 and full power 300gr loads went 2025 over the chrono. I decided I didn't like the recoil and made some reduced 300gr loads at around 1600fps.

I shot one deer with them at 45 yards with the deer looking almost straight at me. The deer just fell over with her legs sticking straight out. Almost like a statue deer.

The bullet just blew to pieces. The heart and lungs were jello. The bottom of the spine looked like someone skipped a chain saw down it. I only found a few slivers of the bullet.

I decided I could do the same thing with a 44 mag and sold the rifle. Do I miss it? No, not really. Except it was incredibly accurate. The first three shots from it were touching at 100 yards.

I don't think you will have any trouble killing deer with that load. I am guessing you are getting 1200fps or so. But thats just a guess. If she likes lever actions maybe get the same gun in 30-30. I can't see her not liking that if she likes the 45-70.
"...actually a 45-55..." That's the TD Carbine load. Wish I'd known that during the Great BP Cartridge Experiment, long before there was an Internet. 70 grains out of a Carbine hurts.
"...read of this load somewhere on this forum..." Do not get load data from a forum unless it's stated as being out of a manual. I think the Lyman book has Unique .45-70 data. Not at home to look.
Lyman Cast Manual has this 293 Cast #457191 Alliant Unique 15.0 1416
Remarks: max load; 24,500 cup, so it's safe in the Marlin. I agree with KRAIGWY on using 4198 as it will fill the case more readily.
"Lyman Cast Manual has this 293 Cast #457191 Alliant Unique 15.0 1416
Remarks: max load; 24,500 cup, so it's safe in the Marlin."

The only problem I see with that bullet is the several molds I've had cast a bullet too small to shoot properly. It say .457 thad even using linotype which usually cast a slightly fatter bullet, I can only get .457" bullets. :mad: They lead like hell. I've sold off all but one of the ones I had and some day will try to lap it out to cast a bullet at .460".
When I was loading on a commercial basis back in the mid 70's, a custom asked me to make up a light load for his H&R (I believe) trap door replica. I used the .457191 in pure lead wrapped with teflon tape over 10.0 gr. of Unique. He wanted a light load his wife could shoot. I guess she must have liked them because he came back more than once to have me make him more. It was a real PITA wrapping them but they must have worked for him.
Paul B.
I have used 16.5 of Unique and a 400 to 450 grain bullet for over 40 years now in 45-70s. it's been wonderful. Black powder speeds and superb accuracy in many rifles.