

I mostly lurk on this board, I do post on shhoters now and again. I posted the folling on shooters/handgun and just wanted to air it out here too. It's kinda long, sorry:
I caught Hardball tonight while flipping through the channels. It was obviously recorded a day or two ago after the latest school shooting in Georgia. I tuned in to see if it was going to be a feeding frenzy or what. I'll skip most of the details but they did have Wayne LaPierre from the NRA on and gave him as much time to talk as the other people did, so that was good. One thing that came up was the proper storage of firearms and this is the only thing that Wayne stumbled on a bit. He stumbled because he was trying to be evasive about the answer. And I think the reason he was trying to be evasive about the answer is because of us...us being the NRA members. We are not 100% unified. Some people support laws promoting more strict gun storage. Some people support at least promoting safer gun storage publicly even though we do not agree with laws requiring it. Some people think that they should be able to have loaded guns laying all over the house, even if they are not home. And all of these people are part of the NRA so the NRA gets its hands tied on issues like this because there is no way to answer the question in a way that will please all of its members. (new paragraph) Look at how much of a ruckus we have caused over the whole K-Mart/Rosie deal. Has K-Mart or Rosie repented? No, but the issues has come to the attention of the public (with a little help from Howard Stern and Magnum PI!) and we look good on this issue. Why? Well, two reasons, one is because Rosie has been kind enough to be an idiot about all of this, but also because we are all unified in this and we all agree upon our position. This, I believe, is part of the reason that HCI and the other antis are, I won't say doing better than we are, but at least are better understood than we are. You can always tell if they are going to support a bill or not. If it has anything to do with restricting guns or being a PITA for gun owners then they will support it. We know that ahead of time, and so does everyone else. We as gun owners and defenders of the 2nd amendment need to be understood and unified the same way, and we can not take the position that we oppose anything that HCI and others support. That's stupid. (I guess this is another new paragraph…sorry) Also part of the problem is the fact that most of us who are pro 2nd amendment are just regular folks who own and love guns and want to keep that right and pass it on to our children. We are not the professional politicians and media types like our adversaries. What do we do to fix all this and save things before we end up like England? I don't know for sure, I'm open to suggestions, but just like in any other war there is a lot to be said for unification of people and allies. Compare Vietnam to the Gulf war. They are not the same, that is for sure, but one of the things I remember so many people back here saying was that they wanted to make sure that the men and women over there knew that they had the unquestionable support from all of us back home, unlike Vietnam where people were drafted, sent off to the other side of the world to get shot at, and if they return home then they have the opportunity to be spit on by someone for doing all that…..so what do we do?

Interesting ideas.. I agree with most of them. Your point about how "we" are united might be a little premature though. For years I, and several others, have been concerned about the factions within our movement. There are a great many gun owners who still don't think that gun control applies to them or that "gun control" is necessarily a bad thing.
There are still AR-15 owners who like to whine about how hunters don't care about there rights and there are hunters who don't give a damn if every AR-15 was collected and melted down tomorrow. Worse, there are ATA members who don't even seem to know that handguns exist, and handgunners who wouldn't shoot a round of trap if you paid for the shells.

We have not yet reached the day when firearm's owners are all united as one group, but when we do, I think you will see the end of all substantial "gun control."

Gun owners/shooters are not united because many think that the grabbers will be happy when they take everything but what that group shoots. Ain't gonna happen, like the Minister in Germany said (most likely not the correct quote) "When they came for the Jews I did not stand up. When they came for the unionests, I did not stand up. .......When they came for me, there was no one left to stand up." We had better stand togeather on this right soon or when we go to the ovens we all will go.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited May 24, 1999).]
United we stand, divided we fall, eh?

Correct, HCI and the like target one type of gun at a time, serving to drive a wedge between those that own that type of gun and those who do not. I'm sure lots of gunowners are just glad that their guns not the current target and keep quiet for fear of being noticed. The NRA, warts and all, is about the only association that draws every type of gun owner.

There comes a time when each of us must stand and be counted. That time is now !

By proposing this high-cap ban they have made criminals out of most of the gun owners in America. Are you going to allow yourself to made a criminal by the stroke of a pen? What are you prepared to do about it? There are just a couple of steps to be taken before the ultimate one, but you must prepare with dead seriousness like you have never prepared before.

1. make sure you have time off for the national rally in DC this fall. Organize and get busses together to drive in and home again. Get your friends and families together so that more may be apart of this.
If enough show up, then maybe they will believe we will not give up with out a fight , and therefore they will recede from their infringements of our rights.
2. keep writing to you congress people and tell them that if this continues you will be forced to defend the Constitution and your liberty, and that its their choice to keep their oath and support the Constitution or to become an enemy of the State protected by the Constitution.
3 get your gear together , buy and load ammo, make sure that you have tools in the right calibers, as well as your boogy bag.
4. teach you family what is at stake here, that it's not just some inanimate object , but the physical extention of the reality of their freedom. It is the perfect insurance policy, which we are likely to have to put into effect.

I know that these are serious words, and as God is my witness, I hope what they foretell will never come to pass, but if it must then so be it.... " I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death" Patrick Henry
and the same for myself !

"If the representatives of the people betray their constituents there is then no resouce left but in the exertion of that original right of self defense, that is paramount to all positive forms of government..." Alexander Hamilton 1787 Federalist Paper 28.

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?
Easy, now, friend! By proposing a ban they have not made criminals of anyone. They have made themselves popular with certain sheep-like creatures (completely brainless) in their home districts.

Past experience says they will promptly cave when and if confronted by a well funded opposition speaking the simple truth. And the law will never be. So contribute to the NRA/ILA and equivalent lobbying organizations, send off your letters, make sure they know what they are getting into.

Then, how 'bout telling me more about this "rally" or whatever in DC? I haven't heard squat, which doesn't surprise me, but would be interested in attending from what little you said. Got a link?

Larry P.