Unintended consequence


New member
The new anti gun laws could have an effect they never expected.

The bad guys could turn to shotguns and them lawmakers would wish they had the old semi rifles back again. :eek:
I don’t have any statistics in front of me, but I don’t believe the semi-auto rifle is the preferred weapon of most bad guys. I suspect most criminals in the US that use a gun generally use a handgun which they’ve stolen or purchased off the black market. So, restricting certain rifles or regulating handgun transactions will do little if anything to reduce crime. Remember gun control is used as a punitive tool to attack you opponent and to win brownie points with your uniformed supporters.
Agree !!!

We often hear abut "The gun that on the West" and you read all kinds of articles on a variety of weapons. Read an article written by a historian and he states that in his research, he concludes that is was the SXS Shotgun that won the west. Can't argue with how effective a shotgun can be. ... :)

Be Safe !!!
For the actual statistics of use, there is a link in the law and civil rights section that has that. Without trying to remember exact numbers, the most traced crime guns include cheap revolvers, cheap small bore semi automatics, Glocks, and Mossberg 500 shotguns. Most commonly used crime guns can't hold 8 rounds, let alone 30
The only purpose of these laws are to make more people comfortable with their rights being restricted. They will have no real affect on crime and are not designed to.
However, for the seemingly "new" fad of MASS killings, the shotgun is sorta unbeatable.

I started to make the case that an AR beats a shotgun for someone intent on committing such a crime. If you are familiar with shotguns and AR's, you can figure it out for yourself. I'm not going to make the Anti's case here.

The problem with people who commit mass shootings is they foresee no consequences for their crime. As soon as society figures out how to make the families of mass shooters into untouchables, pariahs, outcasts, and unemployable, almost all mass shootings will become a thing of the past. Without public shame and humiliation, we are doomed to suicidal idiots destroying other lives in the process of taking their own.
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Just because some idiot politician bans something for law abiding voters doesn't mean criminals won't have 'em. Criminals will just steal 'em anyway. Firearms ownership requiring a course and a licence up here hasn't stopped the assorted drug dealers and gang bangers carrying firearms illegally.
Without going into detail, we're extremely fortunate guns have such a totem-like quality in human culture. That fixation on "what gun" instead of "what is the most efficient tool for this specific task?" has probably saved countless lives.
I've said that before myself. I can only imagine the carnage Chicago gangs would be doing if they decided to use shotguns instead of pistols. The percentage of people shot and killed instead of just wounded would jump dramatically.

Fortunately they seem to be very fad-oriented rather than results oriented, and so pistols it is.
I started to make the case that an AR beats a shotgun for someone intent on committing such a crime. If you are familiar with shotguns and AR's, you can figure it out for yourself. I'm not going to make the Anti's case here.

I very much disagree. A shotgun in a public place would make a bigger mess than I care to think about.
I very much disagree.

While shotguns inflict horrific carnage at close range, they are basically useless at longer ranges. Their capacity is rather limited, even for the USAS-12 and AR Shotguns. Shotguns make good last-ditch defensive weapons when being rushed by multiple targets.

I suppose a short barreled shotgun might spread out the shot even more theoretically hitting multiple targets per round, but it also disburses the energy even faster and has an even shorter range.

When up against an AR with has potentially a much higher rate of fire than a shotgun, and which can hold up to 120 rounds per magazine, I'm just not seeing how any shotgun I'm familiar with makes a better offensive weapon than an AR.
I suppose a short barreled shotgun might spread out the shot even more

Not quite. Barrel length has little effect on pellet spread. That is controlled, first, by the choke thats in the gun and, second, by the ammo chosen.

Take a 22" cyl bore barrel and cut it to 14" and the pattern does not get noticibly larger.

Take a 26" FULL CHOKE and cut off just the choke (~3") and it will open up quite a bit.

Its not the shorter barrel that caused it to open, its the removal of the choke.
Skans; rifled slugs? I imagine they'd work pretty good within the distances of a city fight.
Using slugs takes away the shotgun's only advantage, which is multiple projectiles per round.

Otherwise they are just slow loading "rifles" with limited capacities.