Underwood .45 ACP 200gr +P Bonded JHP in Vyse Ballistics Gel.


New member

Test Gun: Colt 1911 Government, Defender.
Barrel length: 5 and 3 inches.
Ammunition: Underwood .45 ACP 200gr +P Bonded JHP.
Test media: 10% Vyse Ballistics Gel, Clear Ballistics Gel.
Distance: 10 feet.
Chronograph: Caldwell Ballistic Precision Chronograph G2.
Five shot velocity average: 1069fps
BB Calibration: 4.0 inches.

Excellent test with acceptable results. I'm glad to see that you took a picture of the gel block before removing the bullets, as I like to see what sorts of permanent wound tracks the bullets leave behind.

The results of this test also illustrate just how much of a difference occurs in the synthetic Clear Ballistics Gel as opposed to actual organic Ballistics Gel. Nowadays most Ballistics Gel Tests you see online use Clear Ballistics Gel because it's cheaper and reusable compared fo organic Ballistics Gel, but clearly it doesn't replicate the way that bullets behave inside organic tissue the same way that ordinary organic Ballistics Gel does, ergo the results of Clear Ballistics Gel Testing isn't as good of a representation of what sort of damage one might expect the bullet to do to actual tissue.

Granted that Ballistics Gel in general isn't a 1:1 representation of what to expect inside the human body, but at the very least, penetration in Clear Gel isn't as good of a testing medium to determine the potential effectiveness of JHPs considering that bullets penetrate deeper in Clear Ballistics Gel and therefore bullets may achieve minimum acceptable penetration in Clear Ballistics Gel whereas in organic Gel they would have likely failed to achieve adequate penetration.

For example, I remember a test you conducted some time ago on .40cal 180gr XTPs which overpenetrated because they reached 20-21" in Clear Ballistics Gel, thus resulting is a failing grade. However, the results of this test show that bullets can penetrate up to 3" deeper in Clear Gel, meaning if the same test had been conducted using organic Ballistics Gel, then it would have actually been an excellent performer at about 17-18". (In fact, you may want to retest some .40cal 180gr XTPs using this Vyse Gel.)