
Not when Sarah, Diane, Barbra, Chuckie, et al
are willing to pay you to squawk and gnash your teeth and excuse your criminal stupidity.

Yes, we do live in interesting times

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
There is a "war" going on right now to file class-action suits against gun manufacturers (as if you folks didn't know that already :)). People figure if they can get away with it and succeed against the tobacco companies, then it could work against firearms makers as well.

Only in America can pea-brained morons shoot themselves in the foot and then win millions in settlement against a gun company for gross negligence. Whew! I needed to say that. :)

To be fair, I do question some marketing strategies that have been put forth from companies such as Intratec and Jennings. IF they have been ethically negligent in terms of how they market and sell their products, then yes, I do think they need to clean up their act, and make even pay a hefty fine for it.

That being said, while the whole thing is basically a farce, gun manufacturers have been more than accomodating don't you think? Several prominent companies have begin to include locks with every gun they sell. It's still useless against human ignorance, but hey, I don't mind getting free locks. I hear Colt has taken a step further with "smart gun" technology in the final stages of R&D. Other companies might have done the same, but I am not aware of it right now.

I can't put it any better than DC saying, "we do live in interesting times." My hope is that eventually, we'll all come to our senses and apply them to gun safety rather than this circus drivel.
Where was this at?

Can't someone in that area sue the parent for neglect - civilia because there stupidity is causing infringment on you civil rights?

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


I can't locate the article, but one of the plaintiffs in this case apparently signed some kind of waiver when the handgun was purchased.
It seems the gun shop that sold one of the handguns has a policy that requires that all firearms be sold with a lock. If the customer chooses not to purchase a lock, they are required to sign a statement relieving the gun shop of any liability in the event of an accident.
The fact that these morons are filing a lawsuit in spite of this just indicates how messed up our legal system has really become.
I thought that guns had to be unloaded before trigger locks could be placed in many guns. Because of this, I am wondering how many morons will shoot themselves when putting locks on loaded guns.
Sh*t, I thought any fool in the world knew to check a firearm for it's status befor doing a damn:d thing with it! Any anti gun electricians out here, demolition people?
Amazed, Hank
Re SB's post and Intratec's marketing strategies, I have continuously seen the mainstream media cite TEC-9 ads as indicating the weapon is "resistant to fingerprints," hence the company obviously is targeting criminals as customers. I have to believe this is bull. I don't think I've ever seen a TEC-9 ad, and I read a number of gun publications. Anyone else have any info on this?
I think they (Intratec) advertised their guns as, "Wipeless." They didn't state that the wipeless feature was to prevent rusty fingerprints, not fingerprints altogether as the idiot Sara Bradys of the world began to tout.