Get this. I take my buddy to the gun shop cause he wants to get a gun. He has his heart set on a Beretta 9mm. He shot one like 5 years ago and loved it so he has to get one. Well, I convince him to go down to the range and shoot a couple of different guns to make sure that is the one that he wants to spend his money on. We get down to the shop he rents a beretta first and after 4 shots the gun whole slide cracks and we can't even get the chambered round out. We have the range guy come out and he takes it in to the gunsmith, the guns is just screwed. Needless to say, he will not be getting the Beretta. I couldn't believe that. I mean what are the chances. I know the Beretta is a decent gun. must have not been very well taken care of. Thought I would share that story with you guys.