Unarmed v. Knife


New member
No time to be a hero, right? Isn't it best just to get out of there and tell yourself you're never going out without your sidearm again?

Well, if you can evade, you should- unless, perhaps, there are others (family?) you feel obligated to protect.
There were times we need to face the reality that there are particular situation that we cannot evade anymore a confrontation to a person wielding knife at us.

In one occasion that I am cornered by a person with a balisong (fan knife), I had to be ready whatever it may take place. At that moment, I am still aware to look on the ground or my srounding if I could pick up a stick or anything as an extension of my hand. I am lucky I saw one and use that as a weapon. To make the story short, I defended myself and the guy withdraw after a few strikes he received. But this is a rare moment that a stick or elongated material is around when needed.
There is almost always *something* that can be pressed into service as a defensive tool. If you CAN use a tool, you should.
In any situation, if you can remove yourself from the equation, do it! The only exception is where you may stick around to defend someone else.
I agree that if others are around who I must defend, such as, wife, children, other family (except maybe inlaws ;) ) than you have to stand and fight if they are not able to retreat safely along with you. Otherwise, as long as retreating is possible, the wise move is to get out of there.

Even if one has a firearm, one should choose carefully before using lethal force. OTOH, if one is menaced at close range with a knife, I'd probably go with shooting first, asking questions (if you're so inclined) later.
Anything you can pick and throw.....

is a weapon.

One of the drills I do to myself in various places is to imagine an opponent coming at me with a weapon. I look around and try to determine what I could use to defend myself. Stick, chair, vase, ANYTHING I can pick up and use to discourage him as I exercise escape options for myself and anyone who might be with me. This obviously assumes that I do not have a firearm...OR...for some unknown reason I do not wish to announce that I have a firearm.

It may not be very manly, but I will most certainly forgive myself the next morning as I greet another day above ground or out of the hospital.
Manly? Hell, the reasons why you fight are what determines the rightness, not the means you use. Once the war's on, anything goes. :D

(I do something similar, but it's become subconscious.)

Remember, the other guy started the ball rolling. He pulled the knife.

This is not a fight by the Duke of Marquesberrie's rules (or whomever wrote them). It's a knife against you...anything that you can do to remove the threat counts...this means Run! FEET Run!...or it could mean using anything at hand for a weapon....

Belt, anyone? Jacket? Vase? Potted plant? Dirt? and the list goes on.

If you can run, run.

If you can't run, try to minimize your exposure to the threat. Attack if you must, but look to get away at the first possible opportunity. RUN LIKE HELL when you get the chance.

If you truly must stand your ground, concentrate on the knife. GET THE KNIFE. Don't try to duke it out with him unless you can get an improvised weapon or are REALLY sure of your ability to take him out fast. GET THE KNIFE. Be prepared to get cut. You will bleed. Get the knife. Be advised that while knives are very good killers, they have a (relatively) lousy stopping potential. As in, you probably won't be incapacitated quickly, but you my bleed out en route to the hospital. So GET THE KNIFE. If you are sticking around at this point, you are protecting something worth dying for...so don't worry about whether you die later, you're alive now. GET THE KNIFE.

Oh, and, carry a gun. ;)

A streetfighter I respect tells me to wrap my jacket around my weak-blocking arm if possible. Deflect the weapon, sure but WATCH and FIGHT THE ATTACKER not the weapon. Use any weapon or object available from a chair to a handful of dirt (thrown in the attacker's face).

I am also told that unless you are much more athletic than the attacker that turning to run is most likely to get you cut/stabbed in the back.

I hope neither of us is forced to learn from experience.


"The things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them." --Aristotle
Protect vital organs

If I had to fight unarmed against a knife, I would be most concerned with attacks to my heart, neck and face. Slicing cuts to my arms would eventually disable me due to loss of blood, and perhaps even severing an artery or ligament. For the most part, though, I am protecting the centerline of my body from the waste up.

What do you think?

There are large arteries high up on the leg that should also be protected. Slash one, and you'll bleed out posthaste.

Concentrate on the attacker. If that knife was lying there by itself, you wouldn't be afraid, would you? Overconcentrate on the tool, and you WILL die. I am not saying not be be AWARE of where the tool is, but remember the attacker is the threat.
Of coarse evade the area. But in this scenerio, I'm unarmed? And assuming I can't escape safely, then my wife should use her firearm in a defensive manner. As in shoot to stop.

Regrettably, some years ago I found myself in a confrontation with a knife-wielding mugger. Due to the location, there was no place to run. I used my briefcase as a shield and attacked into the threat. Just a minor cut and the confrontation ended in my favor. I live in Nazi Jersey where CCW is just for the politically connected but I carried anyway after that as long as I was in that line of work.
If you are wearing a coat or a jacket, and you have time, remove it and use it as a shield, and then yell as loud and as fiercely as you can. You might get your hands and arms cut, but hopefully your torso and neck will be shielded. If you are successful, your attacker should bolt for fear of bringing too much attention to himself. If he is determined to harm you despite your valiant fight and all your yelling, try to get him to chase you. But keep yelling! It is much harder, but not impossible, for him to plunge a knife into you if he is running after you. You might even try yelling, "Police, police!" They really hate that. :rolleyes:

If you really have balls, act like you are going for a gun. If you are familiar with the motion, you might be able to fake it pretty good. Move in the direction which is the best place to run at same time. If you do this, you are controlling him. He will have to do one of three things: (1) run away, (2) lunge at you , (3) or freeze him. If he runs--great! You run the other way, while yelling that your are going to blow his head off. If he lunges at you, it was probably in haste, and he is scared, and at least he is lunging at you when you called for it, making it easier for you to anticipate his movement. If he freezes, run! This is why you are already moving toward the direction you want to run. Now, your attacker must decide whether or not to chase you. He still may not realize you were just bluffing, and his decision will be difficult. If he realizes you were bluffing, you have a head start. Warning: You attacker will be angry :mad: once he realizes he has been fooled, which might make him more determined to harm you.

If all else fails, tell your attacker, with the best effeminate voice you can, that you have AIDS and that you will bleed all over him if he cuts you. :rolleyes:
A gun may not be of immediate use if you are surprised at close range. Inside of a few yards, most people are functionally unarmed if they don't have a weapon already in their hand. There just isn't enough time.

If you are at a range where one of your options is "defend now", I'm not sure how one might effect an escape, as knife range is a place of milliseconds.

Finally, when you're unarmed, it's very difficult (and that's the understatement of the day) to stay alive against a determined knife-wielder. You may already be boned. Therefore, situational awareness is paramount.
Here's a tip...

It has been proven (can't quote the study sources from memory) that distraction/attention division is a great defensive (and offensive!) tactic. It throughs the attacker's brain into neutral, so to speak. Yelling *anything* off the wall will give you some time and even the odds somewhat.

I know Cops who have screamed "Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells...!!!" at top voulme when trying to cuff a less than cooperative suspect. While they are thinking, "Jingle Bells? This a$$hole is crazy!" their minds can't think with any clarity of focus, "He's trying to cuff me!", at the same time. It works... :)

Also, in combat, both participants "expect" certain things from their opponent. An attacker generally expects one of four things.

1- A retreat by the defender away from the attack, or "Run!".

2- A lateral move to sidestep the attack, or run for escape/cover, or "Oh $hit, it's on!!".

3- A frontal assault toward the atacker, or "Rush that bastage!!".

4- Nothing, or :eek:

Do something, ANYTHING they are NOT expecting! One option (maybe not the best by any means) is to go to the ground and defend with your feet. This let's you use the strongest muscles in your body, the legs, against the attacker. Your legs/feet will most likely be cut but you will most likely have a bigger impact on the attacker with each blow. The length advantage (of most people:D)afforded by the legs as opposed to the arms might also help keep the knife away from vital areas

Of course, screamin' Jingle Bells at high volume while you take your course of action will add to the surprise/distraction of the movement, making it even more effective in giving you mental advantage. When I have drilled on these tactics, these actions were preliminary to drawing my pistol. The "Go to ground" tactic could be quite effective when faced with a close quarters knife threat if you are armed with a handgun. I'd suggest practicing going to the ground quickly and then drawing.

Just some survival tips I've picked up over the years in LE.
