UN Gun Ban

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It's crap, and it's just the beginning. The fact that the US is even entertaining anything remotely like this is just a sign of how weak we are becoming. I'm with you on this one.
There is no entertaining going on. The Obama administration, the State Department and their various mouth pieces might be having nocturnal emissions over the idea but you need 2/3rds of the Senate to ratify an international treaty and that won't be happening anytime soon.

Well, the part that lets me sleep at night is that I know that there are many, many, MANY people that would rather die than give up their gun rights. I'm one of them; I do not say it lightly, either. An unarmed population is an absolutely controlable population.

I suppose it's time to start calling Representatives and the like...
UN Gun Ban
Anyone else upset about this UN Small Arms Treaty? What's your thoughts?

It used to be that folks would get ridiculed for posting about this topic. Tin-foil hats and such.

However, with additional coverage by the mainstream and more details appearing on the subject, it would appear that while unlikely to be passed in the near future, but it would be very detrimental to gun owners if passed. The treaty would create one of the largest governing body related to small arms, including the ones in your safe and mine. It would set up all sorts of rules/laws/regulations that would restrict small arms trade and indirectly, ownership. Yes, one can interpret this as a restriction of your 2nd Amendment rights.

So, all y'all better start writing your representatives on the Hill.
The Constitution is the supreme law of the US and this cannot be subverted by any treaty. Even if it were signed and ratified any attempt to enforce it would die in court and the treaty would be invalidated.
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