UN collecting guns FROM Albanians..

Rob Pincus

New member
The UNDP (United Nations Development Project?) is collecting guns from Albanian Civilians.

Apparently they are exchanging "Development Projects" with guns in many communities in Albania. The Story I just saw focused on the city which was the headquarters of the albanian Arms industry.. where a riot and looting resulted in a high concentration of civilia owned arms. Apparently, this looting happend quite a while back...

They showed dozens of AKs and SKSs lined up against walls and then in (sob..sob..) Bon-fires... They showed kids turning in crates of 7.62x39 ammo and old men carrying RPG ammo.

How can the UN convince these people to turn in their arms and ammo in the face of tens of thousands of refugees coming to their country becuase they were not able to defend themselves??!

What sick Socialistic Jedi Mind Trick are they pulling to get these people to buy into this "less guns means peace" crapola??
We're from the UN, and we're
here to help. Now place your hands on your head, turn around, and
face the ditch."

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
That makes me sick and disgusted...


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."
Rob, this is the first I've heard of this, and it is extraordinary. There may indeed be some other, coercive factors at work. And, my only other guess is that hope springs eternal. 'I know you've heard that the U.N. allowed Bosnians to be massacred in safe areas. But, that time has passed. NATO is protecting Europe now, and you needn't fear. Besides, the game is gone, you're starving, and here's $50 US.'

I would love to see an English translation of exactly what they are telling these poor people.

What is even more notable is to ask why the brain surgeons at the UN haven't figured out their complicity in the Balkan massacres because they disarmed and prohibited so many from defending themselves with a criminal arms embargo.
Yeah, I saw it too. It was on CNN (World Edition?). Made me want to puke. Seems when Albania's economy went to crap, the locals raided the army armories and made off with some weapons. Some of these weapons certainly made the trek over to Kosovo. Too bad more didn't.
now, because the albanians turned in their guns, our men & women get to go risk their lives for a bunch of people who don't want to fight for themselves. that is what sickens me. fightin' for a people that don't want their freedom enough to fight for it. But, on the other hand, NATO & the UN doesn't want people to own firearms. Hell, if people owned their own guns, they could fight for themselves, and what would NATO & the UN
do for fun then??? perhaps they would slowly fade into the abyss!!

fiat justitia
This UN arms collection occurred (is occurring?) in Albania proper, not in the Kosovo province of Yugoslavia where we're flexing some muscle.
When I used to go to gunshows, there was occasionally an U.N. flag strategically placed on the floor for the benefit of gunshow patrons to clean the soles of their shoes. I used to think that this was an itsy bitsy tiny bit over the top.

Now, a little older, sadder and wiser, I clean my size 12's whenever I can. My 3 1/2
year old asks what I'm doing. I tell him I'm exercising my freedom of speech.( ;)

It's worse than you think. About once a month or so, I do business with some U.N. folks. They are so out-of-touch with reality on just about any subject(even the weather, literally!), it is unsettling to talk with them.
They're really "out there". IMHO, they truly need some sort of professional counseling. Seriously!( :)
Sounds to me like the UN is putting their anti-gun agenda ahead of the real-world security of actual human beings. The UN evidently assumes, just as Clinton and other elitists assume, that mere ordinary people are not to be trusted with the power of arms, period.

Trust has nothing to do with it as its irrelevant, they don't want anyone to have guns except them.
Once the world is disarmed and they have the only weapons they can and will do anything they want to.
Ever notice that there are no elected UN officials? Hence, no accountability to the general citizenry. The UN is an autonomous authority that is growing in power everyday...the only thing keeping it in check right now is money...they still have their hands out. Once financially independent, we will all be slaves.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Isn't it IRONIC that the US for years and years, armed the groups and govts that the US wanted to be in power in order to have control over a puppet regime. This was all done in order to establish DEMOCRACY. But in fact the only reason this was done was because of a big business having interests there. But here, self protection and preservation is wrong.