Ummm ... Did I Ruin My Barrel?

Jeff Thomas

New member
Let me confess a sin, and ask for some advice / info. I took a Gunsite class some time ago - at least 60 days ago, maybe 90. Probably ran 400 to 500 rounds through a ported Vang Comp 870 with an 18" barrel. Cleaned it well before class. However, I didn't clean it after class ... until this evening.

I've run mostly Sellior & Bellot, and some Federal ammo through it. Mostly 7 1/2 birdshot, a fair amount of 00 buckshot, and about 50 slugs.

When I cleaned the barrel this evening, I noted it is not glassy smooth consistently down the barrel. About midway there is what looks like a rough section. Doesn't look like pits. Just not glassy smooth like most of the rest of the barrel. Nor as glassy smooth as another 870.

Now, I don't recall what the barrel looked like before class, and I've heard cylinder bore barrels become very smooth over time. So, did I likely screw up my barrel by not cleaning it immediately after the class? Do most folks clean their firearms after every use, whether they run 1 round through or 100? Or am I a bit overly concerned?

I was under the impression that new, good quality ammo today was noncorrosive, and there was no real need for concern. However, I'm now wondering if I've learned one of those expensive lessons.

Obviously it's tough for any of you to give me a crystal clear answer, since you can't see the barrel. But I'll appreciate any experienced help. Thanks.

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited July 29, 1999).]
The ammo isn't corrosive, but the residue can trap moisture. I have a single shot(should say had) H&R that I left uncleand for a few weeks back in the 70's. The barrel is destroyed. I also have a Ted Williams 30-30 that I left uncleaned for 20+ years. The barrel is bright and shiney. I think the plastic residue in the shotgun was the culprit, while the "soot" in the 30-30 created a coating that prevented attack. Just my half-fast theory. Not slow, not fast, kind of half-fast.

Want to feel your age?Check it out.
Jeff, If your barrel is not chrome lined... I don't think 870's are, then your problem is probably lead or most likely wad plastic build-up. A good cleaning method is to use Hope's Copper Solvent. Saturate a loose patch & soak the bore with it. Then stand the gun on its muzzle overnight,put a thick patch under the muzzle. Use a tight,dry patch to finish the bore. It will take out lead, plastic,& powder fouling.
If there's still something in there after this treatment then, you better find a bore scope to determine if the barrel is damaged.
Luck to ya,

Ralph in In.
Gentlemen, thank you. Hal, I'd be concerned about that, but here in Phoenix moisture / humidity is generally an unlikely issue. We've had an unusually large amount of rain this monsoon season, but the way this firearm is stored it is still unlikely to be the source of this problem. The plastic buildup seems logical though.

GreybeardB, what you say makes sense based upon what I saw. I was using Hoppe's No. 9 and copper solvent (Shooter's Choice, I believe), and the copper solvent appeared to be taking this stuff off very slowly, plus some elbow grease with a bronze bore brush. I thought I had taken it as far as I could, but perhaps soaking will lick the problem. Are you sure soaking overnight with copper solvent is safe? Seems like someone told me it is too strong for that length of time, but I probably misremembered that comment.

Thanks again.

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited July 29, 1999).]
Jeff, Hope's Copper Solvent will go no deeper than soft metals. I clean my shotguns and rifles the way mentioned above and STORE them wet bore muzzle down. Been doing it for about 10 years now with no ill effects. It will eat up your bronze brush though. ;)

Ralph in In.

Try picking a Tornado brush.. I use them in all my shotguns when they get like you describe. You will be amazed at the amount of crude they will scape out. Especially after shooting slugs.

lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate

Try MPro7 on that 870. I thought my M1300 was clean, then I used the MPro7. I could see tiny pieces of wadding on the patch with a jewlwers eye. No more dark spots in the bore. :)

May your lead always hit center mass and your brass always land in your range bag.

I endorse the Hoppes Tornado for plastic and lead fouling on shotguns and lead spitting handguns... its worth its horrendous price over here even ($20) !

***Big Bunny***
Chore Boy. Take a used 12 ga. copper or bronze brush (I'm assuming you've already used one), and wrap it with a carefully unraveled copper Chore Boy scrubber. (This is accomplished by removing the staple from the center of the Chore Boy, and cutting it with a pair of scissors NOT your wife's sewing shears. It unravels like a bandage; a neat strip of copper net.)

Dip it in something like Hoppe's #9, and GO TO TOWN, son. It must be tight. No, TIGHTER! I realize that yours will be a special dificulty, what with your fancy-schmancy Back Boring, (do you detect a note of jealousy there? You're right.) but you need to get it reallly tight. It's pretty easy with my 1100, because I just make it so that it barely will pull into the chamber, and then force it to go into the barrel. I don't have to worry about the barrel then expanding almost to chamber diameter.

This will pretty much ruin your brush for anything thereafter, but it works well, and is cheaper than Tornado brushes.

I use the Chore Boys to remove leading from my .45 Gold Cup, too, with great success.

[This message has been edited by Long Path (edited August 12, 1999).]