UltraDot Question


New member
I have a 1" UltraDot red dot sight mounted on a Ruger MKII. It's been a good answer for my aging eyes! Lately, however, I have noticed something peculiar. I am wondering if this is a product defect, or just another evidence of aging eyes.

The once precise dot now seems to be a tight cluster of three tiny dots. Depending on the intensity I dial up, which depends on the brightness of the shooting area, the tiny dot is one precise dot when under low intensity, say a 1, 2 or 3 on the dial. But, once I turn it up to 4, 5 or 6, I can see a cluster of three dots. They are all touching and overlapping, but it is not one bright dot.

Thinking maybe it was just me, I let a friend sight through the UltraDot. He saw the same thing.

Has anyone else noticed this with their UltraDot, or other brand red dot? Is it correctable?

BTW, I have owned this sight for about a year.

Thanks for any responses.
Not unusual at all with aging eyes, like mine. :(

So many things effect clear focus, that it's nearly impossible to say what causes our problems. I often alternate eyes, if one seems to be less clear than the other.

Dry eyes can also contribute to the problem, as tear film effects focus, and I suspect that optical coatings on glasses may be another source of clustering.

Blood sugar also effects focus, so you might try reducing your sugar intake on shooting days. I'm mildly diabetic, and try to reduce meal size before my trips to the range, but carry snack bars just in case I run too low. :D

If you know someone with a Farrsight or Merit Optical disk, you might try one of those to see if it helps? I've never tried mine with my Ultradot sight, but almost have to use the Farrsight when shooting a fixed sight gun, for serious accuracy work.

Thanks, Bill. I'll look into the farsight idea. BTW, I am still pretty darn accurate with the UltraDot, I just put the little 3-dot blob on the center of target and let her go. I'd feel better if I saw one little bright dot, though!

Also, I just purchased a 10/22 and can't see the stock sights for love nor money! I've got a set of Williams firesight/peep sights ordered.

All this time at the computer cannot be helping my vision!

Thanks for your reply!

You can get the Farrsight optical disk from Brownelle's for twelve dollars and change, if you decided it helps. I bought one at my local gun shop for fifteen dollars plus tax.

Brownelle's 1-800-741-0015


Try it on your new 10/22 before you change the sights. I think it will help there as well.

