ultimate goal is a ban on handguns

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New member
its posted in legal, please give it a read...


Maryland Attorney General J. Joseph Curran is proposing a wide-ranging package of laws
that would make the state's gun control regulations among the strictest in the nation and says
his ultimate goal is a ban on handguns.

"Handguns should be the province of the military or law enforcement or a special segment of
people" such as some sporting enthusiasts or shopkeepers needing protection, he said. As for
his legislative proposals, he said, "For every solution to a major problem, there has to be a

[This message has been edited by dZ (edited October 20, 1999).]
That way of thinking seems to be the norm.

Soon there will be a ban on cars. Why because they kill.

Power tools...too dangerous.

Stair cases...someone could fall.

Rope...you could hang yourself.

Then we will ban fire because it could cause a fire.

All of this, after each state has filed lawsuits against the makers of these products.

How did we get to the point where we as individuals are no longer responsible for anything we do.

A rock is only a rock until someone wacks someone with it. Are we going to sue god for making the rock, or better yet, ban rocks?
Besides, CARs, Planes, Trains etc.
Why not ban ALCOHOL...
High FAT/CHOLESTRAL foods...
All of them are KILLERs...

When will it END!!!
Besides, CARs, Planes, Trains etc.
Why not ban ALCOHOL...
High FAT/CHOLESTRAL foods...
All of them are KILLERs...

When will it END!!!
"Thank you Attorney General Curran. Your expertise in the matter of this major problem of citizens owning firearms is beyond question. Your solution is a comforting one. Sure, we are happy to give up this thing that God gave us called, liberty. After all who does HE think that HE is. The consensis is that YOU are a far greater authority and know FAR more than He does.(see signature) Please do relieve us of this burden of responsibility to defend ourselves and our wives and children. If handguns are left in our hands, we may hurt ourselves. You, Mr. Curran, are goooood. Handguns, we know, are eeevvvilll. Please take them sir."

Some philosophies are just so rediculous, it just has to be delt with by sarcasm. It is interesting as a side note that Biblical references by some of the prophets, apostles, and even God used sarcasm in the same manner.

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)
Maryland Shooters Unite! Register and vote against the ani-gunners. Inundate the swine with mail. Let the gun grabbers know that they'll be on the unemployment line if they do not cease and desist.
"shopkeepers needing protection". Since when is a shopkeepers life more valuable than my life, my family's lives, or any one else's life for that matter. This is typical of anti's reasoning which is purely emotion.

Now is the time to start writing to the press; some letters will be published. Curran blew it with his "special people". Say that you believe "special people" means rich, white males who give big bucks to the Democratic party and Mr. Curran's "campaign funs". (Don't use the word "bribe", even if tempted.) Make sure people understand that "special people" will not include women or African-Americans. And that any house-to-house searches and shootings by police will begin in African-American areas. Gun control is racist, and always has been in this country. The establishment has always been terrified of blacks with guns. That, not the Kennedy and King killings, was the real reason GCA 68 passed. Further, organized crime has always supported gun control. They are already planning the underground manufacture and sales of handguns, the same way they provide other illegal commodities.

Ok guys and gals, here's the information http://www.oag.state.md.us/Press/pr289.htm read it and puke. Here's Attorney General J. Joseph Curran's e-mail address OAG@oag.state.md.us, please use it and pass it on. I'm writing to let him know what I think of his little plan. A few thousand e-mail messages from us can't hurt. Shake
I think that the attorney General needs to get his head out of his a$$. I mean the CONSTITUTION gives us the right to bear arms not to sit on our but and let legislators take them. I researched a paper and read that in florida almost 1 hundred thousand times guns were used by women to resist assault.

Thanks for the link and the e-mail address.

I sent this jerk an e-mail ... that "Farewell to Arms" thing really ticked me off.

Just another opportunist (along with Slick Willy) trying to capitalize on other's suffering (Littleton and others) to promote his own agenda.

These people make me SICK. If they want to live in a communist country, why don't they just move instead of trying to make our country communist.

"God grants liberty only to those who love it, and are always ready to guard and defend it." Daniel Webster

Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain. Psalm 127:1
I'm starting to find this argument more and more fascinating. Some people seem to think that because crimes are committed with guns, we should just ban the guns. Everything would be peachy and there would of course be a disappearance of crime in our new utopia...problem solved. This idea is ridiculous and I find it hard to believe that some people think that guns should be done away with and then....everything would be wonderful!! GUNS ARE TOOLS. Guns can be used for good (in the right hands), or they can be used for crime. Example: I can use a hammer to build a house, or, I can use it to bash someone's head in. While this might not be the best analogy, I feel that it best describes my view on the subject.
I can't wait to install my own telescreen and smoke victory cigarettes!

That was for all of you who stayed awake in class to read "1984"!
Here's more fodder for the gun grabber crowd.
This has received a lot of attention over the
last couple of days, and along with the most recent spate of shootings, it looks like another nail in the coffin of law-abiding gun owners.

Christopher Beamon, a 13-year-old seventh-grader in the Texas town of
Ponder, got a 100 score from his teacher for a Halloween horror-story
writing assignment. Authorities detained him on suspicion of making
terroristic threats and held him in juvenile detention from Thursday until
Tuesday, the DALLAS MORNING NEWS reported on Tuesday.

In fresh editions, the paper reprints the story as Christopher wrote it:

My flashlight went out and I heard someone right behind me and I turned in
a very slowly scared way and boom the lights came on and the door bell
rang. I walked very slowly and creepy and turned the knob ding dong the
door bell went again. I said just a minute and I will be right there and I
looked through the little hole in the door and Robin said Boo. I told him
to come in and have a seat and we both wated and wated for Ismael because
he was supposed to bring the (ounce) so we could get high but half an hour
later still no Ismael so I got the idea of freeon and we grabbed a bag and
a knife and ran out back to the airconditionar. We througth the bag over
the nostle and covered it tightly and used the knife to press the volv. We
started to hear something after we got high so we ditched everything we
quickly run to the door to see who it was and there wasn't anybody there
then we heard someone at the back door to see who it was I thought it was a
crook so I busted out with a 12 guage and Ismael busted out with 9 mm and
we step off the porch and this bloody body droped down in front of us and
scared us half to death and about 20 kids started cracking up and pissed me
off so I shot Matt, Jake, and Ben started laughing so hard that I
acssedently shot Mrs. Henry. Ismael saw somebody steeling antifreeze so
Ismael shot over ther near the airconditonar and hit somebody
(indecipherable word) also scattered out and went home and my mom drove up
and everything was back to normal but they didn't have any heads.

We are truly becoming a nation where idiots
set the standard for everyone.

Reading "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," by Ayn Rand, should be required of every politician and in every high school.
Apparently, this AG has been tilting at this windmill for years. Even the Governor of MD expresses doubt that he can succeed. Make no mistake, the report is VERY slick and persuasive... sexy graphics, beautifully designed, reads as if ghost-written by HCI. It will seduce some sheeple.

Write him a real snail-mail letter (e-mail gets lost in the shuffle) to:

Atty. General J. Joseph Curran
State of Maryland
Office of the Attorney General
200 St. Paul Place
Baltimore, MD 21202

I sent him a 12 page rebuttal, very polite, and forwarded it to the Gov. Here's an excerpt:

"...My sport is handgun shooting, and its participants are some of the most responsible, law-abiding, skilled gun owners you will ever meet. And far more handgun proficient than the majority of law enforcement officers you say should be the only people with handguns. Did you know that nearly 70% of the officers on the Washington D.C. Metro Police Department could NOT qualify with their weapons? This came to light in an investigation by the Washington Post, after numerous reckless,unjustified shootings by Metro PD officers. Some of whom were found to have been hired as police officers even though they had had undisclosed and undiscovered felony convictions —including murder— as juveniles. THESE are the people you would limit handgun possession to? Or the LAPD officers involved in a widespread scandal involving bad shootings, theft of narcotics, planting of evidence, sales of drugs, sex with prostitutes, and other gross violations?
Here's another one that will make you purge:

By Father Robert Drinan, S.J. and HCI spouting, highly educated priest/ex-congressman/utopian. I just sent him a 5 page rebuttal. I have seen him on CNN, and he's not to be believed. He is so far in the clouds (nearer to heaven?) that they have to use NASA to track him. What does he care if he is murdered by a scumbag criminal. He's already got his place in the hereafter sewn up. :-)

He's at:
Robert F. Drinan, S.J.
Georgetown School of Law
410 McDonough Hall
600 New Jersey Ave, NW
Washington, D.C. 20001

Be polite, please. He IS a priest (that's the Catholic schoolboy coming out in me...no jokes please!)
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