(UK) Farmer menaced with death threats....police turn up to confiscate her shotguns


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Having confronted travellers cutting down trees on her farm, terminally-ill Tracy St Clair Pearce found herself subjected to a terrifying ordeal.
Some of the group pelted her with rocks while a youth threatened to slit her throat and slaughter her cattle.

When she dialled 999 she expected the full weight of the law to be on her side.

Instead, however, police officers criticised her for inflaming the situation and confiscated her legally held shotguns – even though they had been locked away in a cabinet at home throughout the incident.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...onfiscated-case-retaliates.html#ixzz1KkkGyGP3
Sounds like the UK. Stationed there for 5 years.
I used to like reading the Magistrates reports in the local paper. One person crime waves would walk out the door w/ a fine. Do not injure the burglar carrying stuff out of your house, he will likely press charges. No joke.
Defending oneself with a closed fist can get one in trouble in Italy; supposed to fend off purse-snatchers and pick pockets with open palms...

A lot of things in Europe are very, very backwards.

And if we stop paying for their defense bill, they may not be so "progressive" with their social programs, either. Then, they'll just be stuck with a nanny state mentality and no actual benefits.
I'm not surprised at this. The British, in my experience, seem to view things a half bubble off from what we Americans do. My ex was from Oxford. She, her family and friends that I ever met were all very anti-gun, Maybe that's why she's my ex, but bottom line, the Brits do things different from us Americans. Different cultures with different views and experiences. I was reading recently about house squatters in London and the problems they cause. According to the article, a person finds an un-occupied house, they can break in, set up house and have all the rights as if they were the legal owners. If you can cause legal problems for someone who legally owns a house, no surprise about causing legal problems for someone who legally owns firearms. The effects of having no 2nd Amendment rights in their history. If you want to perplex a Brit, tell them that gun control led to the American Revolution.
After reading where a guy in a English pub was arrested for singing Kung Fu Fighting because a person got offended this does not suprise me.
Just when you can't imagine it getting any stupider - we should get a fund together to move her here, maybe what's terminal in Socialist UK ain't so here in the US...
Nice thought, armoredman, but cancer that metastasizes to the spine is usually fatal; metastasizing to the lymph system is also bad news.

My best friend's mother died of what would have been treatable lung cancer, that metastasized to the spine and bones.

This situation just adds one more burden for that poor lady in the UK.
UK also has one problem we do not - gypsies. Sure sounds like that's what this lady encountered. And the UK cops are scared to death of them.
My wife Hates going back to England, even to visit, she's been trying to get her father to move over here for years.
csmsss said:
UK also has one problem we do not - gypsies.
Not true at all. In the US, they are simply called "Travelers," as they were in the UK article.

Morris T. Mullins, who was 17 in May, 2001, raped and murdered my Aunt in Richfield, UT. The guy was part of a group known as "Travelers" who had "camped" just outside of town and were doing odd jobs within the community. Once Morris was apprehended, all the "Travelers," including Mullins own parents, left town and dispersed. Presumably to the four winds, as local LE couldn't find them.

That experience (and the trial of Mullins) leads me to believe the account given by Tracy St Clair Pearce.
What Al said is very true. Do a search for 'Irish Travellers' on the web, as that is what I have found most of them grouped under. The United States has one of the largest communities of these folks and their cons, scams, and crimes are well documented. Please don't think we are safe from them, especially in the South.
Not to pick a fight or anything but I think Birmingham, England, is safer than Birmingham, Alabama, but so is El Paso, Texas.

In England, the right to bear arms means the right to display armorial bearing, a coat of arms.