UK: Deactivated guns to be banned by end of 2008

Garand Illusion

New member
Yup ... people keep finding more ways to kill each other and the UK just keeps trying to makes guns, replica guns, knives, etc. the motivation. How many more ways can they find to ban guns? Force all guns on TV shows to be pixilated out?

Deactivated guns banned

"Tackling gun crime is key to making people feel safer and more secure in their communities. We already have the tightest controls in Europe but there is more we can do to remove the threat of gun crime," she said.

Gill Marshall-Andrews of the Gun Control Network said: "We are delighted. This has been on our agenda for a long time. It is a big loophole in our firearms legislation."

Toughest gun laws in Europe, but not the least gun crime. But more of the same will make the streets safe! drivel on the subject

And they are crowing this is a good thing, because ...

You might say that the United Kingdom is far ahead of the U.S. in protecting its citizens from gun violence.

Make that far, far ahead.

In fact, they are starting the New Year with plans to ban – get this – all deactivated guns in 2008. Yes, these are guns that have been rendered inoperable, but can still be converted back to use as a firearm.

Yup -- far, far ahead. Like right into outer space.
This was also posted on THR and as such my reply's the same here as there, get the hell out of there while you're able. Folks in the UK have never had firearms RIGHTS, they've had PRIVILDGES, and those have been consistently assaulted since the 1920's when certain labor movements were afoot and of course the ruling class was having none of that! Before that it was really expected that a man was responsible for carrying his own weight and that included small arms ownership. As an interesting aside, the UK is well on the road to Islamic domination of the working class and as such if you're a member of the current majority ruling party it might make some sense to insure that arms and there availability remain elusive to them.........:eek:
I think the next step should be to promote legislation to remove the word "gun" from British dictionaries. Imagine the countless lives that could be saved.
The "Gun Guys"... I read a little on their website. Looks like they have a little problem with honesty. You can see they don't allow comments on their site, hmm wonder why.

"After all, aside from hunters and gun collectors, the real “action” in the gun market is in crime." :barf:

So what are the Gun Guys doing about all the illegal gun crime in Jamaica?
Ain't prohibition wonderful!

Ain't prohibition wonderful! The UK situation I believe is a test for the Western democracies. it's not the guns that are being controlled but the citizens.

Removing any form of self defence leaves them reliant on the police for security and safety. Problem is that the cops usually arrive AFTER the event. Like when a kid got stabbed outside my house, cops arrived 40 min later after two emergency calls from me.

This is something that the sheeple don't consider. Cops don't walk around with you or your kids, to protect them. They come and hose the blood off the street after the incident has happened.

A complete, blanket, total ban on firearms does not change the criminal ownership of firearms one jot. In fact, a criminal with a gun holds complete dominion over disarmed citizens. I agree with the poster who said "get out now!". Damn straight.
If nothing else it's good for a laugh. Monty Python that is.

Sometimes I wonder if British antigun efforts might not be a front for organized crime like prohibition often is in the US? Back in the old days when Mississippi counties were mostly dry there was a saying that the only folks who didn't want legal alcohol sales were the preachers and the bootleggers. :confused:

I keep running into the name P.A. Luty whenever I google UK illegal weapons. Reason is he's made his career of telling Brits how to build illegal machine guns. Here's a lawyer's opinion on the subject.
The problem's gone so far beyond just gun-shaped-thing ownership, it's unrecoverable as far as I can see. When someone was stabbed to death in the UK, the judge seemed that the knives were more a factor than the killer. It's this disconnect between cause and effect, blaming the utensil rather than the wielder, that's utterly incomprehensible to me - and yet seems to make sense to the majority of people in this country.

It's a form of insanity, which is subscribed to for the comforting lie that one can ban evil, and through banning it make it go 'way. The inconvenient truth (aha) is that evil can only be done away with by every individual standing up their own selves and confronting it whever it's found.

All that is needed for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing. So with a nation indoctrinated into doing nothing, guess what we've got a lot of?

Yeah, we've got a lot of that, too, smartypants.
Looks like the last swirl around the bowl is just about complete, next stop the abyss.

My wife wants to visit Britain and doesn't understand why I won't set foot in the place. Italy, Germany, maybe Ireland, but no England.

Too dangerous.