UK At A Standstill; Supermarkets Ration Bread

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And the protesters aren't even armed yet they can do major damage to the country. If it doesn't die down betcha there will be Brits in uniform shooting other Brits. (Irish not included cause they already in that situation)

Sam I am, grn egs n packin

Nikita Khrushchev predicted confidently in a speech in Bucharest, Rumania on June 19, 1962 that: " The United States will eventually fly the Communist Red Flag...the American people will hoist it themselves."
Blair is putting tax revenue ahead of the good of his country. I hope they have a vote of confidence and run him and his fellow socialist travelers out of office.

Some lyrics from The Clash seem appropriate in this situation:

Walled out of the city
Clubbed down from uptown
Sprayed pest from the nest
Run out to barrio town
Forced to watch at the feast
Then sweep up the night
Flipped pieces of coin
Exchanged for birthright

"Get yourself a Lorcin and lose that nickel plated sissy pistol."
I'm watching this one closely. We aren't too far behind. It doesn't take a whole lot to spark resentment against the government. Al Gore and Bill Clinton have existed on no coherent energy policy, and in fact have reduced domestic output (unless it is a company Al Gore owns stock in) while increasing taxes. It will be gratifying if it does all go to Sh** and the people wake up if just a little bit. I just hope the historians get the blame down right because we know the media wont. I am somewhat prepared to go through a fuel shortage, and in fact need to ride my bike more. Of course I live out in the sticks, what about those in the cities?
CR Sam - I mean, do you really believe drivel like that when you type it, or is it just a cry for help ? Insults against the British Army are unwarranted and will only result in comparisons with that ethnic rabble you call the Marines, when I last saw them I thought it was a combined Ethiopian/Mexican advance guard of some sort.

KJM - you make a good point, speaking as a Englishman, I think it interesting to note that the US Revolution (you weren't the only ones you know) started as a result of public dissent against unfair taxes.

I sit here at work typing this having just caught the train into Manchester because of the fuel blockade, yes, bread is hard to come by as well because the delivery trucks are out of diesel. But we're all getting on with our lives because that's our way. France is in far worse straights and yet strangely noone in TFL ever seems interested in anyplace except Britain. Is it that you don't recognise (English spelling) non-English speaking countries or is someone going to try and connect all this to the withdrawal of the handful of target pistols we used to own ??

Mike H
Mike H - I think part of our reaction is due to the fact that the anti-gunners ram England down our throat every time they want to pass another law. "Well, in the UK . . .".
They are using the gun laws there and in Australia as templates for our own laws, with an eye to the same result.

The French? They've been a mouthy non-entity since 1939, and maybe even before - and, they talk funny.

Besides, the UK is the Mother Country and we just hate to see the Old Girl go to pot.

The last two written with just a bit (a bit) tongue-in-cheek.
This is an off-topic thread that I decided to leave open last night. It is very marginally about rights so I thought it would be worth leaving open. Unfortunately, it has nothing at all to do with firearms and it is now beginning to get nasty.

This thread is a good example of why moderators will be closing more off-topic threads from now on.

"That which unites us is infinitely more important than that which divides us."

"The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security"
Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 4
Concealed Carry is illegal in Ohio.
Ohioans for Concealed Carry Website
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