Uh should this happen?(Hammer pivot pin on Ruger SBH)


New member
I decided to take my Ruger SBH apart last night and fully clean it(I've put several hundred rounds through it, as well as having used it to make 3 holsters), something I've never done. Anyways, I take it apart like the manual says, scrub everything, and I put it back together..

Well, When I tighten the long grip frame screw(the one under the loading gate), the Hammer pivot pin comes partially out on the otherside(the side without the notch), and as I tighten it, it comes more and more out :confused: :confused:

Maybe I didn't notice it before..... but the manual says nothing on it at all?
I never took mine apart, but I was reading a magazine about doing trigger jobs and it said that the pin has to be in a certian way before you start tightening the screw.
The only thing that it mentions in the manual is to make sure to put the groved part of the pin in towards the gate. I am going to fiddle with it though, 'cause apparently that long screw fits in the grove and locks it in place... I didn't examine the pin carefully, so there might be a spot on it that the screw fits in.

Thanks for the reply, I hope it works!
Didn't work...

I might note though that the pin is TIGHT when the screw is in, I have it in right now(the screw isn't tight though..) and the pivot is tight. The screw isn't tight, but its not loose either..

Funny but I took mine apart for the first time last week,and everything went back together fine except that same long screw under the gate is completly tight but does not seem to be all the way seated into the hole. I went out and fired it this weekend and it shot fine. There's something the manual isn't telling us. I have new model SBH hunter In 44mag and I'm loving it!
Well, it won't hinder operating(I shot it yesterday infact) and yeah. *shrugs* just annoying that it didn't go back together like it should've.