Mike in VA
New member
Sittin' here drinkin' a Bud, payin' some bills, listening to Dumb and Dumber duh-bate, when lo and behold, I find a 'registered referendum enclosed' addressed to me from HCI.
Now, I will shamnefully admit that I once sent them a check in the early `80's after a family friend had been beaten and shot to death by a goon on PCP, but I overcame my cranial rectitus, and had taken to sending them GOA newsletters and some hand cranked vitrolic, among other heavy things(e.g. duck-taped to a brick), in their postage-paid envelopes and had figured that they'd take me off their list, and so it had seemed for the last 5+ years.
So I was pleasantly (sic) surprised to get their mailing, and took it upon myself to do something creative. Last spring I smashed up the trigger locks I had on hand and sent them to Katie Couric, but I did find one one the ammo locker floor, so I stuffed it in their envelope with a note suggesting SArah stuff it where the sun don't shine, and will mail it in the morning (unfortunately, I'm out of duck-tape and spare bricks).
I got the bills covered Ok, & meybe it's the Bud(s), meybe it's a small mindless act of impertenence, but I feel better and had to share this little brain fart. Dumb and Dumber are still, well, Dumb and Dumber, but I will vote Right and pray for real leadership someday soon. M2
Now, I will shamnefully admit that I once sent them a check in the early `80's after a family friend had been beaten and shot to death by a goon on PCP, but I overcame my cranial rectitus, and had taken to sending them GOA newsletters and some hand cranked vitrolic, among other heavy things(e.g. duck-taped to a brick), in their postage-paid envelopes and had figured that they'd take me off their list, and so it had seemed for the last 5+ years.
So I was pleasantly (sic) surprised to get their mailing, and took it upon myself to do something creative. Last spring I smashed up the trigger locks I had on hand and sent them to Katie Couric, but I did find one one the ammo locker floor, so I stuffed it in their envelope with a note suggesting SArah stuff it where the sun don't shine, and will mail it in the morning (unfortunately, I'm out of duck-tape and spare bricks).
I got the bills covered Ok, & meybe it's the Bud(s), meybe it's a small mindless act of impertenence, but I feel better and had to share this little brain fart. Dumb and Dumber are still, well, Dumb and Dumber, but I will vote Right and pray for real leadership someday soon. M2